April ’24 Runfessions – London Marathon Edition

It’s the last Friday of the month, so it’s time to join Marcia for “Runfessions!” Runfessions are running truths or “where runners bare their souls and soles.” It feels like we blinked and it’s almost May. Everything is blooming here in Chicago and I’m here for it. Also, I’m still enjoying running with a bit of chill in the air.

I runfess… that it’s hard to believe that the London Marathon has come and gone! If you missed my recap, you can read it here (or the abridged version on Instagram). The crowd is the loudest and most boisterous that I’ve ever seen and the course runs past so many iconic sights. If you want to see some of the energy, check out this amazing reel from the Run Dem Crew at mile 20.5. (Watch closely and look for me. I’m in it!)

It was an amazing experience despite some struggles with a crowded course and some small stomach issues. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to have run and for all of the fun I had with friends over the long weekend. Still smiling!

I runfess… I was so grateful for the weather in London after watching the Boston Marathon sweatfest. People were complaining about the chilly morning and wind and I was like “bring it on!” If you’ve been around here, you know that heat is my kryptonite. The weather in London was pretty much perfect running weather (for me)!

Can you see me?

I runfess…I was bummed that I didn’t get photos from the Tower Bridge. The photographers use AI photos to find your photos and I didn’t get any with my sunglasses on. I tried the photo with my sunglasses and there were 5 photos of me on the Tower Bridge. The company added them in for me! So cool!

I runfess… I nearly broke my run streak after some disappointing runs and races this year so far. I kept at it and today is day 1,533. I had no issues running on Monday and Tuesday in London and enjoyed exploring more on foot.

I runfess… it can be tough to stay motivated. Need a little push in May? Join me in the Arc’teryx Run Free Challenge. Log 40 miles/65 kilometers on Strava (walk, run or hike) with this challenge and you will be entered to win one of 40 pairs of Arc’teryx’s new Sylvan running shoes.

Do you have any Runfessions? Please leave them in the comments.

I’m linking up with DarleneMichelleReneeJenn and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday. Join us!

Have a great weekend!