Friday Five: 5 Tips for Staying Fit (and Happy) While Traveling

We’re just got back from a two week trip and I’m going to share my tips for staying fit on vacation. People often ask me how I keep up my healthy habits on the road and on vacations. It’s become second nature for me, but it took me a lot of years to get here. Here are some of my favorite tips.

Top 5 Ways to Stay Fit While Traveling

1. Plan Ahead – Do some research before your trip. Like what? Learn about the destination and pick hotels or AirBnBs where you can walk or run to see the sights. Bring comfortable shoes for walking and pack running shoes/gear (if you run!) Look for active tours that incorporate your favorite activities like biking or even kayaking (and of course walking tours and running tours.)

2. Always Bring Snacks and a Water Bottle– Anyone who has worked with me or gone anywhere with me for any amount of time knows I ALWAYS have snacks. One of my biggest downfalls for healthy eating is scarfing down everything in sight because I wait too long to eat. I always bring nuts, dried fruit and a variety healthy energy bars. Don’t forget your refillable water bottle!

3. Bring Workout Clothes… and Use Them – I always pack workout clothes and sneakers for my trips. I love to run in new places so I get in some daily miles on all of our trips. The Husband and I love to walk in cities so we get a ton of steps! I averaged 30,000 steps per day on our recent trip. Even if I only have 10 extra minutes, I try to do a quick workout while I’m away.

4. Try all the Foods – in Moderation! One of the great pleasures of visiting a new place is trying local specialties. Sweden and Denmark had tons of delicious pastries and ice cream was big in Denmark. We also went to a lot of great restaurants. I tasted all of the foods with an eye on portion sizes and tried to stop eating when I was full.

5. Breathe Deeply and Smile – Whether it is a crying child, or the one kicking your seat, an obnoxious person or a massive flight delay, some things are out of your control. I have been trying to stop, take a few deep breaths and smile. You can’t control them but you can control your response to them. Traveling is stressful. Try to see the humor in mishaps and enjoy the ride.

Here are some great links on active and healthy travel:

What are your tips and tricks for staying healthy and happy when you travel? Please leave them in the comments.

I’m linking up with DarleneMichelleReneeJenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!

Have a great weekend, friends!

PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!