Friday Five: 5 Easy Earth Day Tips for a Greener Life

Tomorrow is Earth Day! I’m going to share some easy tips for creating a “greener” life. I’ll also give the 411 on some of my fave earth-friendly products.

5 Easy Earth Day Tips for a Greener Life

Reduce paper and plastic waste in your kitchen. Switch to reusable bags from re(Zip) or beeswax sandwich bags from Ecologie Danica.


Try eco-friendly sponges and cleaning cloths from Persik! They clean with water only or you can use eco-friendly cleaner if you’d like. Each cloth gets 1,000 uses.

Check out the Grove Collaborative for tons of great clean home products and great Earth Day Deals. Get a free gift with your first purchase using this link.

These re(Zip) containers have a flat bottom so they stand in the fridge or pantry.

Consider food waste and “upcycling.” I’m a huge fan of leftovers. I like to cook extra and eat for a few meals. This saves on energy (and time) for cooking. It also cuts down on food waste. Before you throw away fruit and vegetable ends or bones, think about ways you can use them! Here’s an easy way to make vegetable stock. Here are some other great ideas from Healthline.

Invest in reusable food containers, travel mugs and water bottles. Switch to reusable bags from re(Zip) or beeswax sandwich bags from Ecologie Danica. There are tons of clever, eco friendly lunch boxes and picnic sets.

Bring your water bottles and travel mugs on trips or to work. This is good for the environment and you save money by buying fewer drinks on the go. That’s a win-win!

These beauties are all natural and cruelty free.

Green your household cleaners and beauty routine. Pay attention to what’s in the products you put on your skin and the packaging they come in. Apps like Think Dirty and CodeCheck rate ingredients so you can evaluate products before you buy them. You can also check the Environmental Working Group’s website for information on the products you use and get recommendations.

Swap don’t shop. Clean out your closets and remove items you haven’t worn in the past year. Look for live or online swaps or resale sites like Poshmark, Mercari or eBay. Swap books with friends or bring them to library book swaps or used book stores.

Do you have any other easy Earth Day Tips? Please leave them in the comments.

I’m linking up with DarleneMichelleReneeJenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!

Happy Earth Day and a great weekend!

Please note: This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links, I’ll receive a small commission. I received some of these products at no cost for editorial consideration. All opinions are my own.