A Well Earned Finish – NYC Marathon ’22 Race Recap

I completed my 22nd NYC Marathon yesterday. I like that it’s 2022 – seems like good symmetry. I guess if I keep running every year that will continue. I read that it was the second warmest day in the 51 runnings of the race. It was very tough conditions with high humidity and poor air quality. With all of that being said, the crowd was FANTASTIC – one of the biggest and loudest that I can remember. I also had a lot of friends and The Husband out cheering for me which was awesome.

Since humidity is my kryptonite, I was nervous. Sue and I started together and tried to slow down our pace from previous years. This mostly worked. Still, after about 10 miles I got kind of dizzy and out of breath. I decided to let Sue go just after Mile 11. I slowed down and decided to follow Scott’s advice to walk the water stops and take a full Gatorade and a full water at every stop. I also made a quick bathroom stop just before half way. This helped me to calm down and hit the reset button. With this strategy, I was able to enjoy the crowds and try for my most smiles per mile! I stopped looking at my watch and stopped for a few photos and was able to finish feeling fine. And I was only 10 minutes slower than last year. I’m calling this a win!

[Check out my Instagram recap, pre-race reel and story highlights, too!]


The Husband and I visited my brother and Dan in NJ. We then joined them for an awesome dinner in Brooklyn where they left us to go to meet friends. We went to Manhattan on Thursday night so I got to go to two shakeout runs and the Expo with less stress.

Friday morning, I joined Zhenya and Sofi at New Balance and COROS’ run with Emma Coburn and Dani Jones. We ran a quick loop in Central Park and then had coffee and took photos with Emma and Dani. They were so friendly and it was great to get back to Central Park!

Expo Fun!

Then I met Sue and Kelly at the Expo. We hammed it up for photos and caught up. I didn’t buy any gear this year but grabbed some Liquid GU for Sunday.

Streaker friends- well over 100 NYC Marathons in total for this group!

Sue and I then headed up to the Streaker and 15+ party in Central Park. We walked past the finish – always exciting. Then we caught up with our old teammates and Scott and made plans for Sunday.

Nicole and I are Meb superfans!

Saturday morning, I met Nicole for a shakeout with KT Tape and Meb Keflezighi. We’re both huge fans. It was a short run in Central Park and it was hopping! We had a quick breakfast and I headed up to meet Andrea for coffee. Then the Husband and I met friends for lunch and Allison and Joe for a pre-marathon dinner at Cafe Arte. Joe ran, too.

If it ain’t broke… Missing Liquid GU and Salt Stick Tabs

I sorted out my outfit – not hard because it’s virtually the same one I’ve worn in the last New York’s and 3 Chicago’s.

Race Day

I met Scott on the subway as usual. Nicole was a pacer this year and was running in a later wave. Unlike last year when the race was at half capacity, the ferry was packed. I like to keep things positive but the buses after the ferry were a complete cluster. There were very few volunteers and no one controlling the crowds and as another full ferry arrived it was chaos. Many people from later waves were crowding into buses.We waited over 20 minutes and finally I started asking people who were in later waves to let us board. Scott and I got on with fellow streaker Aaron, but Joe and many others got to the start so late they had to start in Wave 2. That was a stressful start to the day.

Start line fun!

We had enough time to go to the bathroom and meet some friends in the 15+ area before heading to the corrals. We met up with Sue, Patrice and Kristy and headed to the corral. We chatted and before we knew it, it was time to get on the bridge. We took photos and chatted with other runners. It was warm but there was a nice breeze and everyone was in good spirits.

Before we knew it, we were off! It took us about four minutes to get across the line. It was crowded and Sue and I stuck together and weaved a bit. We were a bit quick off the bridge (1st two miles) but tried to slow down in miles 3 and 4. We met Pablo from Ecuador and chatted with him for a while. We ran happily down 4th Ave and the crowd was great. There were tons of kids to high five, bands, cheering fans and funny signs. I kept and eye out for Seth, Emily, Lola and Roxie around mile 7 and Kelly G a bit past them. I saw the former but missed the latter. I felt thirsty and already was feeling the humidity. Sue and I kept trying to slow down but the music and energy pushed us a bit.

Miles 8 and 9 are my favorite and they didn’t disappoint. I was feeling the heat and some of the water stops were shorter this year. I missed Gatorade twice and felt a bit worried about that given the humidity. When we got past mile 10, we were running a good pace but I starting feeling a bit dizzy – really just off. We saw Patrice and tried to catch up to her. I let Sue and Patrice go. I decided to try to slow down a bit and to walk through the water stops to be sure to drink a full Gatorade, some water and pour water on my head or neck.

I took a quick pit stop just before half way. I crossed the half at 1:56. Only 5 minutes slower than last year and not bad considering the slowing/stops in Mile 11 and 12. I decided from that point on to stop looking at my watch and to just run and have fun. One of my goals was to smile the whole way and I felt like the miles around 10 were less fun for mr. Once I started again in the second half, I felt really good between water stations and I knew I made the right choice.

Super fan Carolyn and her son Micheal were not able to make it this year. I thought of them as I ran in Queens and enjoyed a ton of music and the great crowds.

Allison with a baby strapped on caught me!

I felt good heading onto the Queensboro Bridge. I haven’t done many hills this season but I just did my best and tried to relax. I found that the hill didn’t bother me as much this year and I came off the bridge happily. I didn’t have people I knew in the first mile in Manhattan so I ran in the middle and took in the energy. I saw Brett and The Husband near 85th St and Allison and baby Rowan right after. That was awesome. I missed Lisa F. who was standing in for her husband, Eric, who’s a superfan but had to be out of town.

Before I knew it, I was at the Mile 17 water station where I saw Nimbe. Then I was heading up 1st Ave and saw Joanne and Andrea. I kept up the running and only walking through the water stops. My legs felt good and it helped me not to overheat.

Joanne always gets great shots!

I crossed into the Bronx and passed Mile 20. I enjoyed the cheer stations and large crowds. My legs felt strong and I wasn’t getting passed by tons of people. I think the heat hit a many people hard. The last bridge is the easiest one and there are always funny signs. And suddenly, I was running toward Mt. Morris Park and Mile 22. I kept reminding myself that I only had a few miles to go.

I usually dread 5th Avenue, but this year my legs still felt pretty good and it went by pretty quickly. There were huge groups from clubs like Hash House Harriers and Milk (Dairy Board?) Despite the heat (or maybe because of it), the crowd had a party atmosphere.

The many faces of Mile 24 – photos by Daniel Gray

I was definitely smiling as I entered Central Park. Coach Kiersten saw me and validated that. Just over 2 miles to go. I scanned the crowd and saw Brett and The Husband again. Then after the water stop, Kathy, Daniel and Leslie. Leslie hasn’t been to the marathon in many years so I stopped to give her a hug (very wet one!) and Daniel took some epic pictures. They totally capture all of the emotions I felt.

Perfect signs for me!

A mile later, Liz and her friend Lauren called out and then I saw my former colleague Delane. There were a lot of people struggling because of the conditions and I felt reasonably good all things considered. Then I was past mile 25, and onto Central Park South with one mile to go. I knew that I was going to make it!

Good to have friends in the grandstands!

Before I knew it, I was running toward the finish line. Kim called out from the grandstands and got some great photos.

NYC Marathon #22 was complete. My time was just over 4:05 – 10 minutes slower than last year and 15 minutes slower than Chicago (where the weather was so much better this year). Although this was my second slowest NYC Marathon, it was one of the smartest. I changed my plan to suit the conditions and it paid off. I did “less worse” than many people and I was able to enjoy the second half.

Happy finishers adding to our streaks!

I ran into Marie after the finish and we chatted and took photos. Then I took the long walk up to meet Sue (she finished about 15 minutes ahead of me and had enjoyed her second half, too). Our husbands and friends were there and we had a fun afternoon celebrating.

As always, a million thanks to all who cheered, texted, DM’d and commented on Instagram, Facebooked, called and supported me. I’m so grateful and humbled by all of the love and support year after year. Congrats to friends, old and new, who impress me year after year.

Marathon #57 and NY Marathon #22 is in the books. Not many people can say that – right?

Medal Monday

I took my medal out for a quick recovery run on Monday (run streak day 992). It was even warmer and sunnier and the park was filled with runners!

That’s a wrap – see you next year NYC Marathon!