Friday Five: Running “Hacks” for Spring Running

Spring is here – well almost! Lots of people have been asking me about starting up a running routine this spring, so I’m sharing my favorite “running hacks.” What’s a running hack? Well, it’s like a life hack for running. It’s basically a tip to make running easier every time you lace up.

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Source: Urban Dictionary (and it’s not even dirty!)

Top Running “Hacks” for Spring

1. Find a Buddy (or Several). If your friends are waiting for you, it is MUCH more likely that you will meet your running commitments. Find a friend who wants to run with you and meet up. During COVID times, running outside with my friends (with face coverings) has been a sanity saver for me! It’s a great way to catch up with friends in person and to stay fit – a win-win! Want to get faster? Run with a faster friend on his/her easier days. Extra credit if you ask him/her to push you.

2. Pair Running with Guilty Pleasures. Think TV, audio books or podcasts. Check out this Freakonomics podcast on temptation bundling. Like TV, but hate the gym? Start watching your favorite shows on the ‘mill. I listen to podcasts and audiobooks on the run when I’m alone. Why? It makes the time fly. This is a good habit and a great way to get fitter while having some fun.

3. Try Running Intervals to Increase Your Speed. One of my favorite “tricks” for increasing overall speed to to run intervals on the treadmill. Warm up, run your usual pace and then add .5 or even 1.0 to your speed for 1 minute (or 30 seconds or 2 minutes or whatever you feel you can manage). Then go back to your base pace for the same amount of time. After a few sessions, add time to your interval and/or increase to a higher speed. Over time, try to move your base pace up, too. No treadmill? Try this outside, you can use the Nike Run Club app for interval workouts for free!

4. Dress for the weather. It may just be me, but I hate to be too warm or too cold. A rule of thumb is to dress for weather that’s 15 – 20 degrees warmer. Overdressing in the warm weather can be a real drag. And running with clothes tied around your waist is just a bummer. Check out this handy interactive tool from Runner’s World to get it right.

5. Focus on the Fun. If you enjoy running fast for a mile or slow for ten, do that. If you like to run-walk or stop for lots of breaks, do that. There’s no right way to run. I enjoy running marathons and half marathons, but many people force themselves to run long distances because they feel they “have to.” Find the distance and pace that you enjoy and do that. Find a place you like to go and go there. Also, start small and savor the progress. It’s easy to compare yourself to others and feel “less than.” If you’ve run your farthest or fastest or most enjoyable run, celebrate and enjoy.

What are your favorite ways to make running easier and more fun? Please leave them in the comments! I’m linking up with My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday! Head over to those sites for more fitness tips and Friday fun.

Have a great weekend!

PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!