Friday Five: Christmas ’20 Runfessions

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for Friday Five. I’m doubling down and linking up with Marcia for December “Runfessions,” too! Runfessions are running truths or “where runners bare their souls and soles.” I looked back at Runfessions from last December where I suggested that I’d be running 4 marathons again and Hood to Coast and whatever else 2020 would bring. You probably know how that turned out…

I runfess… I’m really missing our usual holiday tradition of going to Los Angeles. My Christmas Day run is normally in shorts and a t-shirt (though sometimes I get funny looks at 50 degrees). We’re in Chicago this year and this morning’s run was 18 degrees with a feels like temp in the single digits. Two days in a row, there were icicles on my eyelashes!

I runfess… I’m grateful that my nine month plus running streak has not resulted in any injuries. 310 days of (average) 6+ miles per day. I never had any interest in this before, but I’ve enjoyed this challenge.

I runfess… I ran 7 miles seven times in four days to celebrate my 49th birthday and did the 12 days of Christmas running challenge this month. The latter was a 12 day challenge where you add a mile per day starting at 1 and ending at 12 on Christmas. I don’t normally go in for things like this but it certainly helped to make my birthday more special and our first Chicago Christmas more fun!

I runfess… We had to tweak some of our holiday traditions, but we still enjoyed the holiday lights and a run followed by an curbside cookie exchange. I’m so grateful for my running crew. They’ve made these strange pandemic times more bearable and even quite fun!

I runfess… it’s so strange to have only run one race this year! I ran the F3 half marathon in January and that’s it! I hope to run some of the races I deferred this year – especially the NYC marathon!

Do you have any Runfessions to close out this crazy year? Please leave them in the comments.

Have a great weekend!

PS. Don’t miss my great giveaways!