Friday Five: 5 Fun, Free Ways to Stay Fit This Summer

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five. Summer is here and many gyms are still closed. There are still some great ways to stay fit for free – outdoors and at home. All you need is your workout gear and yourself (and a computer or phone with internet).


5 Fun, Free Ways to Stay Fit This Summer

1. Step it up! Run or walk. If you’re new to running or returning to it, check out my tips here. And don’t forget, walking is great exercise. It’s low impact and you can do it almost anywhere – even inside. My Fitbit obsession has me walking everywhere even inside my apartment!

2. Create your own outdoor fitness boot camp or scavenger hunt style work out. Try mixing up a run with body weight strength exercises to make your own boot camp. How? Find a mile or half mile running area in a park or grassy area. Then run intervals and add sets of squats, lunges and push ups. Or, try associating an activity with a common object that you will see on a run or walk for a “scavenger hunt” workout. For instance, each time you see a park bench or sign post, drop and do 10 push ups or squats. Get the idea? Pick 4 or 5 key moves and go for a brisk walk or jog. Be creative and have fun.

3. Try “Roga” – run and then yoga. Plan a run and then do some sun salutations. If you don’t know yoga, learn a quick routine free on the internet or invite a friend who can lead. You could bring your phone and do this beginner series on YouTube!

4. Exercise on the beach or run on a trail. Did you know that working out in sand or on trails leaves your muscles less fatigued and burns more calories? A win-win. Take a run (or walk) on the beach and jump in when you are done. Hit a local trail for a run or hike. It’s usually free or inexpensive and can be such a good change of pace.

5. Try a free virtual work out on YouTube. One silver lining of the “stay at home” order was that I tried a ton of online workout classes. Many were free. I especially liked Nike Training Club’s YouTube Live classes. They’re still available here. You can also check out the 10 Best YouTube Fitness Channels – all free.

What are your free summer fitness faves? Please leave them in the comments.

PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!