Friday Five: 5 Tips for New (or Returning) Runners

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for Friday Five. Since many gyms are closed, lots of people are taking to the streets and trails to run. I know I’ve gotten a lot of questions from friends who’ve started running for exercise, fresh air and stress relief.

Top 5 Tips for New (or Returning) Runners

1. Be realistic about your fitness. The fastest way to get injured or to give up on running is to do too much too fast. If you are starting from low to no mileage, start with a beginner program like the Couch to 5K. It works! There are also tons of resources online via Runner’s World, running groups like New York Road Runners or Chicago Area Runners Association.

2. Find an accountability buddy. The very best way to start running and keep at it is to enjoy running with your friends. If you can’t run together because of social distancing limitations, find an “accountability buddy.” -Set some mileage goals together and then check in with each other a few times a week to make sure you’re heading in the right direction.

3. Get the right gear for the weather. It’s warming up so pick up a few tank tops and shorts if you’ve been wearing cooler weather gear. You can support your local running store (most are doing pick up or online sales) or you can buy online. Check out my links page for places to find great deals. There are also some great sales on right now (through 5/25) with Janji for their birthday and GoLite (Get 15% off on full priced items with code ERICAFINDS). Check out some of my warm weather “must-haves” here and let me know if you have any questions.

4. Set a goal. A goal doesn’t have to be a race, but a race can be a great goal. You can also set the goal to run a certain number of miles without stopping or a certain number of miles per week. Whatever it is, set a goal! Work on it and celebrate your success. There are a ton of fun challenges happening right now on Strava, with Runstreet (join me for their free June challenge here) and others.

5. Get fitted for shoes at a running store. Having the right shoes for your feet is KEY to success. You may have to wait until June to hit your local running store, but you can also call for a consultation and pick up shoes. It’s really important to wear shoes that fit your feet and foot strike to ward off injury.

Are you starting to run or returning to run? Let me know what questions you have.

Have a great long weekend – be safe and have fun!

PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways.