5 Things I’d Tell You Over Coffee This July

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five. Since it’s the first weekend of the month, I‘m also linking up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance and Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date, too.

What is the Ultimate Coffee Date? Imagine we’re having coffee together… this post is what I would tell you. So grab a cup, “listen” and then tell me what is going on with you in the comments, please!

If we were having coffee… I’d ask how you’re doing and if you need anything. With the upsurge in COVID cases, continued Black Lives Matter and social justice work and all of the political lunacy, it’s still heavy times everywhere. I’d ask if there is a big mask debate near you and if people are taking COVID seriously or if they are acting like it’s “old news.” I feel like it’s a mix here. It’s no surprise that there are a lot of cases among younger people. I’m noticing a lot of group outings and stuff in the 30 and under set. How about you?

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I’m enjoying (socially distant) runs with friends again. After months of solo running, I’m meeting up with one or two friends at a time to run. While I’ve enjoyed podcasts and books on Audible, it’s wonderful to have my friends to talk to! You can check out my Q2 Running Round Up here.

If we were having coffee… I’d ask if you were planning any vacations or staycations this summer. I’m trying to convince The Husband to rent a lake house or do a “glamping” trip in Michigan or Wisconsin. While things have improved markedly with the Lakefront Path and parks opening up here and patio dates with friends, I’d love to “get away” and leave the city for a bit. We were considering going to UT with friends but that seems like a bad idea not that you have to quarantine upon return. What are you planning for this summer?

NYC Marathon 21 (for me) won’t happen this year.

If we were having coffee… I’m sure we’d talk about the NYC Marathon being cancelled. I’m sad but not surprised. In fact, it’s a relief for me not to have to start training and have it cancelled. Chicago is not yet cancelled but it will be. There’s no way to safely run it. If they choose to do virtual or modified, I’d consider doing the latter but not virtual.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you to check out a few great, free anti-racism resources that I found/had recommended. I subscribed to Nicole Cardoza’s Anti-Racism Daily newsletter. I like that it is educational and has actions you can do each day. Maureen recommended the 2017 podcast “Seeing White” on Scene on Radio. It’s excellent. The 1619 podcast from the NY Times is also really well done.

If we were having coffee… I’d ask “what’s happening by you?” Please tell me in the comments!

PS. Please don’t forget my great giveaways.