My Top 5 Work from Home Tips

This week has been stressful in an unprecedented way. No one needs me to explain this. In thinking of ways to be helpful and share knowledge, I realize that I’m an expert in one thing – working from home! I’ve been working from home for most of the last dozen years. I’ve found ways to stay reasonably fit and reasonably sane. Here goes!

My Top 5 Work from Home Tips

1. Establish a routine. Hopefully this “new normal” will be brief. Develop a routine for work days. If you used to work out then go to work, keep that up. If you prepped lunches in advance, do that. Figure out a way to develop a routine that you like and can manage.

2. Take a shower and “get ready” for work. I like to work out in the morning. I come back, take a shower and “get ready” for work. For me this means putting on “real clothes” and a little bit of make up. There is something about being dressed and “ready” that helps me to get started each day. Also, it makes me feel more professional when I’m working and talking to clients and co-workers on the phone or video conference.

3. Wear pants with a waist and/or a belt. This one may not be necessary for everyone, but I have a tendency to stress eat or eat mindlessly. If you’re like me, this is the most important tip. Wearing your yoga pants or PJs is tempting but you lose that “fullness” cue.

4. Eat meals at meal times. Try to eat breakfast, lunch and any snacks as you would in your office. Pretend the kitchen is not “open” for eating any time. If you prepare and bring your meals to work the night before or on the weekend, keep doing that.

5. Move every hour + get fresh air. Even if you move or exercise in the morning, it’s good to move every hour. Fitbits and Apple watches have reminders, but otherwise, consider getting up and moving for a few minutes each hour. I also like to go outside a few times a day. With social distancing, you may just want to take a quick walk or jog or go to the supermarket.

These are five things that have helped me over the years. Here’s a great post on LinkedIn from my friend LeeAnn that captures these and others.

Anyone have other tips or ideas? Please leave them in the comments.

Stay safe and be well, friends!