5 Things I’d Tell You Over Our 1st Coffee of the Decade!

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five. Since it’s the first weekend of the month, I‘m also linking up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance and Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date, too.

What is the Ultimate Coffee Date? Imagine we are having coffee together… this post is what I would tell you. So grab a cup, “listen” and then tell me what is going on with you in the comments, please!

If we were having coffee… I’d say “hola” from Mexico City. Stacy and I joined Janji for a Janji Travel “runcation” to Mexico City! Our first run is today so I’ll share the 411 and pics later in the month! I’m super excited about this trip. It’s the first one that’s worked out for me timing-wise. The Husband decided to stay in California to do some skiing with his dad, so I jumped on the opportunity to see a new city with plenty of running and other cool guided experiences. It was an added bonus that it worked out for Stacy, too!

Stacy and me at Chapultepec Castle

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that Mexico City is really cool! We arrived New Year’s Day and walked around the historic area and took in many sights. We had tacos for dinner and then turned in early. The next day, we went for a run to Chapultepec Park and stopped by the castle. After breakfast, we went to a cooking class with Mexican Food Tours. There were six students and a trained chef. We went to the market and then cooked a three-course gourmet Mexican meal. It was a blast! I highly recommend it if you visit Mexico City. We then came over to meet our running group and had a great dinner in the Roma Norte neighborhood. I’d ask if you’ve been to Mexico City or taken a cooking class in a foreign country.

If we were having coffee… I’d ask if you’ve made any New Year’s resolutions and tell you that I haven’t. I have some goals and intentions but I feel a better mindset for me is to start every day off fresh instead of waiting for a “reset” button. What do you think?

Can you believe I won all this for 2nd place AG in a 5K?

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I got an unexpectedly large prize for coming in second in my age group at the New Year’s Eve 5K. I received a bottle of Tito’s vodka, a bottle of Uncle Dougie’s Bloody Mary Mix, Vital Proteins, Clif Bars, Pedilyte for grown-ups, a bag, sports bra and more! I’m not complaining but who’d have thought it was going to be such a score? The other strange thing was that the age group was 41 – 50 and the woman who won it was 50. Luckily, the prize was the same – even weirder – right?

If we were having coffee… I’d ask if you have anything new brewing for 2020. I have something I’m working on. I’ll tell you about it by next month’s coffee date.

If we were having coffee… I’d ask “what’s happening by you?” Please tell me in the comments!

PS. Please don’t forget my great giveaways.