Friday Five: Another 5 Things I’d Tell You Over Coffee

The-Ultimate-Coffee-Date2-1-600x600It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday Five 2.0. Since it’s the first weekend of the month, I‘m also linking up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance and Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date, too.

What is the Ultimate Coffee Date? Imagine we are having coffee together… this post is what I would tell you. So grab a cup, “listen” and then tell me what is going on with you in the comments, please!

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that we FINALLY landed on a vacation destination AND dates. Whoo hoo! This should be easy, but we have A LOT of plans for this fall. We decided on Rome, Naples and the Amalfi Coast. I’ve started gathering recommendations on Facebook, but I’d love more! We haven’t been to Italy since 1999 and then we went to Tuscany, Florence, Venice and Milan. I’d ask if you have any fun travels planned or had any fun trips this summer.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you about my awesome (but quick) trip to NYC/NJ last weekend. I visited friends, did a long run with friends in Central Park and then went to visit Larry and Dan. They had a small party to christen their beautiful new pool/deck remodel. It was catered by my brother’s company so the food and drinks were to die for.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I went to Athleta to check out their fall running line. There are some super cute pieces. I got some tights and a sports bra to test. It’s still pretty hot here so it will be a few more weeks before I can bust the tights out for testing. I also am going to host a friends and family shopping event in Chicago on September 17 where shoppers get 20% off everything in the store. We’ll also have refreshments and giveaways! Don’t worry if you’re not in Chicago, I’ll have some online friends and family codes to share, too!

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I have a ton of fun things coming up this fall. Next weekend, I’m going with Kristin to Seattle to run a half marathon. Then, I’m heading to Expo East for the Influencer’s Summit and to find all of the best new health and wellness product. We also have a wedding, guests for the Chicago Marathon, a driving trip with the Husband’s car club, a trip with friends and, of course, the NYC Marathon. I’d ask what you have coming up.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I had the opportunity to run my second “unsanctioned” race with Nike Chicago. You may have seen that I ran a half mile race in a parking garage in July. This was a 6K which is somewhat more my speed. The race was a bit short but it was a lot of fun and a PR (as I’ve never raced a 6K before ;)) I enjoyed seeing friends and the vibe was fun and friendly.

What’s happening by you? Please tell me in the comments.

Have a great long weekend!