Friday Five: 5 Ways To Make Business Travel (More) Fun

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for the new Friday Five 2.0. This week’s theme is “In Like a Lion….” My March travel schedule is “in like a lion” and I was on the road all this week. I’m going to share ways that I make my business travel more enjoyable.

5 Ways to Make Business Travel (More) Fun

1. Make plans with friends and/or colleagues. I like to keep up with friends and colleagues who live all over the place. When possible, I meet up with friends during business trips. This week, my colleague and I met up with a (shared) former colleague for dinner before an event in Massachusetts. Then, I met my buddy, Emily, in Boulder for dinner and a run. These visits made the quick business trips SO much better for me!

2. Find ways to do the things that matter to you. I like to run and exercise. Sometimes on my trips I have limited time, so I make sure to get in a quick run (or do some serious walking) or use my 7 Minute Workout or Sweatworking app to get in a quick workout. If I have a friend in town or am going somewhere with good weather, I get out for a run as often as possible. That’s a win-win.

3. Take time to appreciate the local scene(ry), goods and/or goodies. Living in the flatlands of Chicago, I ogle mountains and oceans when I see them. I also enjoy skylines and bridges. You know I love trying great local food (like Fresh Thymes in Boulder – ate there twice in my 24 hour visit!) and looking for local treats and finds for the blog.

4. Use the flying time to unplug / decompress. OK, I admit, I don’t often unplug. Sometimes, I use the fly time to write this blog or to catch up on personal things to clear the way for the business at hand. I do try to relax and not get too worked up over delays and mishaps. Last night, I was delayed and got my work/blog done before the plane so I read an snoozed a bit. Ahhhh!

5. Focus on what you gain rather than what you’re missing out on. When I travel a lot, I miss cool events and experiences in Chicago. I try to have some fun and new experiences when I’m on the road. It helps with my FOMO!

What do you do to make business travel more fun? 

Have a great weekend!

PS. Don’t miss my great giveaways!