Global Running Day – A Look Into My Miles

It’s Global Running Day, so I headed out for a run and I’m linking up with Kristen at Jonesin’ for a Run. It’s her third annual Running Day link up!

GRD Erica Finds

Kristen asked (and answered) the following running questions:

Why do you run? I run to stay sane, to stay fit, to stay connected, to get away, to get somewhere, to think, to be a better me. I run because it makes me a happier person. I run because I love it. I run because I am able. I run because I am a runner through and through.

running day
AM – morning run with Liz, Liv and Stacy. PM – headed to North Face to do a fun run with Dean!

How do you plan to celebrate National Running Day? I am going to run with my gals in the morning and will try to hit up the Global Running Day event at North Face with my Expo West running pal Dean Karnazes.

How many miles have you run so far this year? Do you have a mileage goal for the year? Through 5/31, I’ve run 1053 miles. I don’t have a specific goal for the year. I just want to run happy and healthy.


What big events do you have on the race calendar so far this year? I’m running the San Francisco Marathon to celebrate the 20th anniversary of my first marathon in SF in 1996. [Join me in San Francisco in July for the Marathon, Half or 5K and get $10 off with codeTSFM2016ERICA (or $5 off 5K with code TSFM2016ERICA5K).] The goal is to #beat1996. I am also running New York – another 20th anniversary run!

Do you track your runs? If so what do you use? Not exactly. I track the distance in a very old school spreadsheet. I have them back to the year 2000. I don’t use GPS and mostly don’t start my watch except is races at the start and finish. #oldschool.

2016 in races!
2016 in races! Lots of miles and smiles!

What races have you run so far this year? Nine. Almost 100 miles worth! Carlsbad Half Marathon, Country Music 5K, Los Angeles Marathon, NYC Half Marathon (1Q recap), Shamrock Shuffle 8K, Good Life Race 5K, Naperville Half Marathon, Quarryman 10 Miler and the Brooklyn Half Marathon.

If you have to give someone one piece of advice about running, what would it be? Enjoy every step and be grateful for every mile.

Describe your relationship with running in one word: SOULMATE. Pun intended and #truth.

That’s a wrap. Why do you run? What are your running plans for the year? Tell me about it in the comments and good luck!