Friday Five: 5 Ways to Beat The Heat This Summer

It’s Friday, so I am linking up with Courtney at Eat, Pray, Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What and Mar at Mar on the Run for their weekly linkup. Each week they pick a theme and bloggers join in and link up. This year instead of specific themes, they are letting us be creative with broad themes for each week of the month. The first week of each month is a “fitness” week. Last week, it started getting hot and humid here. It only takes me one hot, humid run to remember how tough the heat can be. I’ve been thinking about this post since last Saturday – my first true summer sweat-fest of the year.

beat the heat fi

1. Start early (or go late). I am a morning runner whenever possible. If you can’t get out to beat the heat, hit the gym and the air conditioning.

2. Wear light colored, loose fitting clothes and a light colored hat. Light colors reflect the sun and the loose fit lets the air flow to cool your skin. I recently snagged a white NYC Marathon 2015 cap on sale from New York Road Runners. It really helped me out with my Memorial Day speed work at the track where there is not much shade!

3. Stay hydrated. Drink water early and often. Carry water if you are not near fountains. Make sure to hydrate post run with SOS Rehydrate, coconut water or your favorite electrolyte filled drink.

4. Eat lighter! Finds’ friend and nutritionist, Lauren, recommends, “Eat lighter summer fare as well as frequent small meals or snacks that include cold products, like fruit or dairy. Getting away from a hot stove or oven also helps keep the house cool, and lighter food includes vegetables and fruit which hydrate you!

5. Cool off! Another great tip from Lauren, “To cool down quickly, divert attention from your whole body to your wrists. Run them under cold water or apply a cold compress for a minute or two and repeat as necessary. There is a main vein that passes through this area and the cool blood will travel and spread quickly through the rest of your body.” I like to take a Half Buff (or bandana) and soak it in cool water and wrap it around my wrist or neck on the hottest days. I’ve also been known to put ice in my sports bra at really warm races. Whatever it takes!

What are your favorite tips for beating the heat?

Have a great weekend, friends! Stay cool!