Guest Post: Start the New Year Off Right with SUPER Foods!

Want to try some awesome super foods? Don’t forget to enter to win my Wrawps raw food flat bread giveaway.

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I am out of town for work this week, so I got a hand from Cassie Brewer, a women’s health and beauty journalist. When she’s not writing, she’s doing makeup for weddings and film shoots. She hopes to open her own beauty boutique in Europe one day! She is also in the know about how some foods can make you look and feel better. Here is her great article and fun infographic on how you can use “Super Foods” to make you look and feel beautiful in 2015! Here’s Cassie:

“You might hear about “super foods” often now in the media, with ‘new’ ones gaining attention for their various health benefits all of the time. But, what’s so great about super foods?

Well, super foods are super nutritious. They allow you to nourish your body with a variety of nutrients, while generally not containing high amounts of calories which means they’re great for your waistline, too.

Weight control is not the only benefit of super foods. They often also contain nutrients that are good for your overall appearance, too. For instance, many super foods contain Vitamin E and Vitamin C, two prized nutrients in the quest for healthier skin that are often found in skincare products.

One of the main appeals of super foods is that they contain a variety of antioxidants. These molecules have been gaining a huge amount of attention over recent years, due to the protection and benefits they offer to the body.

Antioxidants work by cleaning up free radicals in the body. Free radicals can harm cellular DNA, which can lead to various illnesses over time as well as cause your skin to age. Antioxidants help to keep free radicals in check and they literally clean them out of your body, resulting in better health, as well as skin that doesn’t ‘tell’ your real age.

There are many skincare products and beneficial treatments that contain antioxidants, but flawless skin requires that you pay attention to what you’re putting into your body through what you eat, too.

Antioxidants help to increase the production of collagen, which is usually attacked by free radicals. Less collagen equals less skin elasticity – a big no-no if you want youthful skin! They can also help to fight off wrinkles. An example is lycopene, which is found in red fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes and watermelon. Lycopene helps to smooth the skin’s texture so that it looks younger.

Now that you’re revved up to eat more antioxidant foods, how do you know if foods contain these savvy skin essentials? Looking at the color of fruits and vegetables is a big clue when doing your grocery shopping. Antioxidant-rich foods are usually bright in color. However, antioxidants can also be found in whole grains and some legumes.

A healthy diet is crucial for fighting off illness, so a nutritional plan that’s rich in super foods can contribute to better overall health. Of course, healthy foods should form the majority of your diet because a healthy eating plan can help to ward off infections and diseases. But super foods often contain extra nutrients to increase the body’s defense against infections and disease.

These ingredients include omega-3 fatty acids that help to provide the body with various health benefits, such as keeping your heart healthy as well as boosting brain function when it comes to memory and learning. Although mostly found in salmon, you can get plant sources of these acids to help you achieve the benefits.

Intrigued by super foods? You should be! Check out the infographic below to learn more about some of the best super foods that should be in your daily eating plan, allowing you to feel beautiful on the inside and out.”

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Thanks, Cassie for your help and the awesome information to help us all to be healthier and to look great in 2015!

 What is your favorite super food or super food benefit?