Feeling Grateful – Take Time Thursday

My friend Katie created “Take Time Tuesday” as a way to stop and reflect on what she is grateful for. She created a link up so that others could pile on, too. She had stopped hosting the link up, but she is bringing it back for the Thanksgiving season to “help us all be grateful together. She has the link up open Tuesday through Friday so I am going to go with Take Time Thursday and then link up to her post.

Sorry, Katie! I defaced your awesome graphic!
Sorry, Katie! I defaced your awesome graphic!

After spending the weekend in NYC for the marathon, my cup runs over with gratitude. In no particular order, here are five things I am grateful for at the moment:

Just a few of the highlights of the farm and pre-race. Many friends not pictured!
Just a few of the highlights of the farm and pre-race. Many friends not pictured!
  1. The husband, my family and friends. Year after year, time after time, mile after mile, they wish me luck, listen to my tales and support me 100%. Many of them would rather be boiled in oil than run a marathon, but they still indulge me. No words can capture how amazing the support was for my 15th NYC Marathon. I was overwhelmed with gratitude.
  2. My health. In 2011, I had a bad health scare and was diagnosed with a DVT. Just before the diagnosis, I could not run ONE mile at the pace I ran the entire marathon in. Other years, I missed out due to hamstring issues and other injuries. This year, I felt 100 percent well and ready to run. I was able to take on Mother Nature and finish feeling well, smiling and injury free.
  3. My new job. I am in a role and at a company that just makes sense for me. My colleagues are awesome and the mission of the company is to improve the health care system in the US. It is SO nice to feel like I am in the right place after some less than optimal experiences.
  4. Being able to keep up with and grow the blog. I have been super busy with work and life, but I still feel like I have the time to work on cool stuff for the blog and stay reasonably sane. The blog has been a great source of happiness and personal pride for me, so I hope that this continues to work well when I am up to full capacity at work.
  5. Opportunities to travel and try new things. Things have been kind of hectic, but I am super excited about the opportunities I have to go places and do things for life, work, blog, etc. I feel so lucky and fortunate.

I hope this does not come across as humble bragging. Studies show that gratitude improves your physical and mental health. Need help? Check out 10 Ways to Be More Grateful by Robert Emmons, PhD. I appreciate Katie resurrecting Take Time Tuesday (and allowing me to co-opt it to Take Time Thursday).

What are you grateful for? Please leave comments or link up with Katie!

Also, don’t miss my great giveaways including the Thankful for my Followers Bloghop Giveaway.