Resolve to Have a Healthier New Year – Tips from the Blogosphere

As I said yesterday, I am not normally one for New Year’s resolutions, but I enjoy reading tips on improving health and happiness at this time of year. I put out feelers to some of my favorite expert contributors and to the Sweat Pink Ambassador Group on Facebook to see what tips they had for a happier, healthier new year. I got so many great ones that I broke them into two posts. Yesterday, I posted “Resolve to have a Happier New Year“. Today’s tips are on food/diet and exercise.

healthier new yearOn Food/Diet

  • Finds’ fave nutritionist, Lauren Antonucci from Nutrition Energy, recommends:
    • “Vow to eat one additional serving of fruit and or vegetable every day for January (or all of 2014). We all know produce is good for us; high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants..but most still fall short. So lets make it a New Year (or all year) Challenge.”
    • “Get rid of all leftover holiday treats and desserts by 1/1/14. No need to keep staring at them and tempting yourself to eat things you know you really would prefer not to. Throw unhealthy and tempting leftovers out..then treat yourself to some healthy, tasty, fresh food from your best local market and get cooking!”
  • From Amber at Eats and Exercise by Amber , “Drink water ALL day long” and “Do what works best for YOUR body not the latest diet craze or what works for your best friend.”
  • From a blog I love Nutritionella, Elle recommends:
    • “Cook one new recipe a week. Check out [her] collection, buy a new cookbook (here’s [her] personal fav), ask friends to trade recipes and try to discover more healthy cooking blogs.”
    • “Schedule a healthy potluck once a season. Have your friends to bring their favorite, healthy-but-you-wouldn’t-know-it dishes and swap recipes.” [Check out her 50 bitesized resolutions for 2014 post HERE.]
  • From my fave natural food chef Amanda Skrip A few tips:
    • “If you want to eat cleaner, get rid of tempting ‘junk food’ before the new year starts – mom’s cookies, heavy foods, etc.  If it’s not around you won’t want it!”
    • Start the day with lemon water -This helps undo some holiday damage and sets the tone for the New Year.”
    • “Make time to clean your fridge/pantry – Make room for new, healthy foods and get rid of the junk or old food.  This will usher in new energy into your kitchen for the new year.”
    • “Make an effort to cook at home more in January – schedule 1-2 days / week to grocery shop, choose recipes ahead of time, and block the time to cook.  Planning makes perfect!  Having the food available at home makes ordering in less likely.”

Also – if you are in Chicago, check out Amanda’s Kickstart Detox program in January. I highly recommend it! If not, sign up for her newsletter to get great tips throughout the year.

On Exercise

  • Lauren Antonucci from Nutrition Energy says, “Start the new year off MOVING. My high school track coach always inspired us to do a New Year’s Day Run…and I have kept it up. No matter how late you wake up on New Year’s Day get outside an move, for at least a few minutes, before sundown.”
  • Jane from the real life adventures of a ph.d. agrees. She says, “Go for a run, walk, to the gym, something on New Year’s Day – just get up and moving!
  • Glenda, a Beach Body coach, says, “Put on your workout outfit and wear it to bed. You can get up ready and get moving more quickly.  Shoot for 10,000 + steps a day –  park your car far away from where you are going to walk more. Take stairs instead of an elevator.”
  • Marcia, my bloggy fairy godmother, from Marcia’s Healthy Slice says, “Find your passion by thinking about what you loved doing as a kid and rekindle that. Maybe you loved to dance or sing, do art, swim or ride your bike with friends. I loved to run as a kid but after middle school I pretty hung up my running shoes in favor of dance and skating (and hanging out with friends). It wasn’t until my mid-30’s that I began running again and it opened up a whole new world for me socially, in terms of confidence, body awareness and goal setting.”
  • From a blog I love Nutritionella, Elle recommends:
    • Make an standing exercise date with a friend 1 day per week. And don’t be that workout buddy that backs out.”
    • Auto-schedule 1 additional active outing or workout for every social event on your calendar.” [Check out her 50 bitesized resolutions for 2014 post HERE.]
  • Amy from Strong Inside Out says, “Sticking to a new workout or clean-eating program at the very beginning of the year can discipline you to do the same throughout all of 2014. Take on a simple resolution such as “no processed sugars,” or “work out 5 times a week until the end of January.” Set your intention for discipline at the very beginning of the year, stick to it, and reap the benefits all year long!”

For all of your resolutions, here is a great tip from Sara Larsen, a CES running coach and blogger at Coach Sara“Most of us fail when it comes to sticking to resolutions – the problem is we try to do too many resolutions at once. My number one tip is to have a single pointed focus on one thing you would like to change. Set a realistic, attainable goal and put all of your focus and energy into that one resolution. Develop a detailed action plan, track your progress and use the buddy system for accountability. If you focus all your motivation on one resolution it will increase the chances you’ll succeed.”

My tip: Start NOW!
My tip: Start NOW!

My tips: don’t wait for the next New Year to make positive changes; it is an arbitrary date – start now! And, if the first week in January is not great, start the second week or whenever you can. No excuses! 

So pick one thing (per month) and get started! 

Have a great tip on being healthier in the new year? Please leave it in the comments.

Thanks to all who contributed to or inspired this post!