Help for the Holidays: Excerpt from Coach Calorie’s Fitness Experts’ Tips!

coach calorieTwo bloggers I follow were included in Coach Calorie’s article 26 Fitness Experts Share Their 3 Best Weight Loss Tips. This post is filled with great advice. I will share the two bloggers’ tips that I follow with a few links to great posts by them. Lots of good stuff in this post and others by all of these experts. Check it out!

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Tamara Grand a/k/a Fit Knit Chick holds a PhD and is a BCRPA Personal Trainer, Weight Trainer and Advanced Group Fitness Leader, and MenoFitness Certified Trainer. Her tips:

  1. Eat food in its most natural form. Many people approach weight loss from a calorie-centric view. They meticulously track the calories in their food and the calories they expend during exercise. By simply reducing your consumption of packaged, pre-made and processed foods, you’ll naturally reduce your caloric intake, as well as the grams of sugar, salt and saturated fat in your diet.
  2. Start your day with protein. The standard North American breakfast is carbohydrate-heavy; toast and jam, bagels and cream cheese, cereal and milk, donuts and coffee. All foods that elevate your blood sugars and trigger an insulin response, leaving you hungry again in just an hour or two. Adding a little lean protein to your first meal of the day not only ameliorates the effects of carbs on your blood sugars, it leaves you satiated and able to make it until lunch time without caving in to the temptations of the coffee cart.
  3. Move a little more every day. While exercise is an important contributor to weight loss, it’s not necessary to hit the gym seven days a week to lose weight. Adding an extra 30 minutes of low intensity, stress-reducing movement to your day can accelerate weight loss goals by increasing your metabolism and reducing your body’s production of cortisol, a stress hormone that promotes fat storage.

Some great posts from Fit Knit Chick:

amy 30x30Amy Clover is a fitness coach and the creator of The 30×30 Project, a tour of donation-based boot camps that benefit suicide prevention charity

  1. Stop counting, start feeling. Pay attention to your hunger cues and the purity and cleanliness of the foods you eat, and stop counting calories!
  2. Stress less, lose more. Stress causes hormonal changes in your body that make it more difficult–if not impossible–to lose weight. Be active about relieving your stress; try yoga, meditation or just channel it out in your next HIIT workout!
  3. Lift like you mean it. By combining short-burst cardio with your strength training routine, you will burn fat like “a mofo” while increasing your metabolism with lean muscle. Boom; two birds, one stone.

Some great posts from Strong Inside Out:

Check out other great posts on these blogs and other blogs/blogger tips from Coach Calorie, too!