I Would Like To Thank… Whatever Floats Your Oats!

I received a nomination for a Liebster Award from Em at Whatever Floats Your Oats. Thank you, Em! The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to bloggers and recognizes new blogs. Since it has been a while since I received the Liebster from Molly, I will play along again! HERE is my post from early 2013. liebster2 Here are the rules:

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.

2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominator.

3. You must pick several bloggers to be nominated for the award.

4. You must create 10 questions for your nominees.

5. You must go to their blogs and notify the nominees.

Here are Em’s questions and my answers:

1. Who is one of your greatest heroes? MEB! He is humble, grateful and a true champion! I about lost it when he won Boston this year.


2. What is your favorite post-workout meal? Sweet potato with almond butter!

3. How do you motivate yourself to work out? To be honest, I love to work out, so I am very self motivated. Does that make you hate me? If only I was so motivated to stop eating sugar (and too much in general!)

4. Do you prefer exercising in a group or individually? I like both depending on my mood. I love to run/race with friends and take exercise classes in a group. I also enjoy running on my own sometimes and going for long walks. If I have to choose, I would say groups.

5. Where do you get your inspiration for blog posts? Where don’t I get inspiration for my posts? Since I “find” and write about new things, I get ideas for the internet, the news, advertisements, supermarkets, friends, people contacting me. Everywhere!

6. Why did you start your blog? I was “that friend” who was constantly telling people about new things, sales, deals, etc. When my friends started telling me that they had unsubscribed from everything and were waiting for me to tell them what was what, I started this blog! Since then, I have expanded to include everything and anything I find (and some random thoughts!)

7. What is one of your favorite qualities in your best friend? I have trouble picking bests and favorites. My closest friends all have good senses of humor and are very loyal (among other good qualities).

8. What is one goal you’ve accomplished in 2014? I can’t say that I have accomplished any yet, but I have set some in motion like running the year (2014 miles in 2014) and 14 races in 14 (I just finished #8).

9. What talent are you most proud of? I am very good at reading people and situations and developing relationships – in business and personal situations. I never thought of this is a talent when I was younger, but I do now.

10. How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle in a busy world? I used to think if I did not have a ton of time, that I could not eat healthy and exercise. Now, I try to make healthy choices by having healthy on the go foods around, doing meal prep and being active for as much time as I can every day. If I only have 15 minutes, I exercise for 15 minutes. If I don’t have time to exercise, I try to walk where I am going instead of driving. There are so many healthy choices we can make each day. I try to make them as much as possible.

My nominations for the Liebster are:

Here are my questions, ladies, if you are so inclined to post the answers:

1. Complete the following sentence: My happy place is…

2. When you feel off track with health and fitness, what is the first thing you do to start to get back on track?

3. If money were no object, what city/town would you live in and why?

4. What is your biggest/toughest “reach” goal for 2014?

5. What book(s) are you reading now?

6. Complete the following sentence: My guilty pleasures are…

7. What is your go-to recipe? Extra points if you link to it!

8. If I looked at your receipts for the last year, what category did you spend the most on? Travel, Food, Home, Other?

9. What was your favorite blog post you have written, if you have one? What was your most popular post?

10. What blog should readers check out next and why?

Thanks for playing!

PS. Don’t forget my Erin Baker’s Wholesome Foods and April Bestowed Box giveaways! And the cool contests I mentioned on Friday!