Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you have a Valentine or not, you can always take time to show yourself some love and care. Here are some of my favorite tips.

Give yourself some grace. I was planning to post this first thing in the morning but I never finished it. Instead of beating myself up for missing my self-imposed deadline (or other perceived failures), I’m letting it go. I’m trying with the blog and other things to be more accepting of where things are at and to move on.
Practice self-compassion. Negative self talk is so damaging. Many of us show compassion for others but are critical of ourselves. Give yourself a break and a pep talk. Pick a few positive affirmations and repeat them daily. This may sound a bit “woo woo” but compassion for yourself begets compassion for others.
Say no to things that drain you. Have a friend who takes up all of your energy and doesn’t give back? Or not up for an event that will cost a lot and you won’t get much out of? Say “no thanks” to an invite and move one.
Stop comparing yourself to others (or your younger self). Comparison is the thief of joy. Someone will always have more, be better, do more. You may have been faster, thinner or some other thing you desire when you were younger. Give yourself credit for where you’re at now and savor the good things you have.
Take a time out. Go for a walk or jog. Take a bath. Read a book. Do something without the noise. Dance to your favorite songs. Whatever it is that makes you feel relaxed or alive or happy. Do that. Self care is not selfish. It’s necessary.
How do you show yourself love?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Have a great weekend and Happy Valentine’s Day!