I completed my 24th NYC Marathon yesterday! After running Berlin and Chicago and doing virtually no hills all year, I wasn’t sure what to expect. The conditions were just about perfect and the energy was high. I felt great for the first 21 miles and had a ton of fun even when riding the struggle bus from 21 – 23 and getting a side stitch the last 2K. I think I may have smiled more in this race than any other one that I’ve done, so I’m calling this a WIN!
The crowd was FANTASTIC – one of the biggest and loudest that I can remember. I had a lot of friends and The Husband out cheering for me which is always awesome. I got to see and support so many running friends, too. And my friends who I shared my tips and strategies with did so well! That always makes me SO happy.
The Husband and I flew to NYC on Thursday night and stayed with Kathy and David and the (not so little Ds). We caught up at dinner and got ready for a busy weekend.

Friday morning, I did a shakeout and breakfast with New Balance and Fleet Feet. I met some great people and saw Haz from the UK. It was fun to see all of the huge international groups. Then, I met Marie for coffee at NYAC and caught up with her.

I met Sue and Kelly for the Expo. I love this annual tradition. We got our numbers and saw Erica Sara and my friends from SaltStick. Then, we met The Husband for lunch and had some yummy soup dumplings. We chilled out for the rest of the afternoon and met The Husband’s college friends for dinner.

Saturday morning, I skipped the official shakeouts and met Nikki and De at the Expo. I ran down and back for my shakeout and that worked perfectly.

In the afternoon, we met Holly and Chad for brunch. We then took their dogs on a long walk and enjoyed the beautiful day. For dinner, we went out on the UWS with Kathy and David and the boys. I was able to get everything ready and go to bed pretty early – especially considering Daylight Savings time. I set my alarm for 4:30 AM.

Race Day

Scott and I met on the 2 train at 5:17 AM. There was an issue with the 1 train so we pivoted to the N and that worked fine. We were able to get the 6:00 ferry and met some very nice Australians who we shared all the tips with! It took us a while but we finally made it to the 15+ Area to meet Kristy and then found Sue to go to the corrals.

Before we knew it, we were all in the corrals and almost ready to go! We chatted and soon walked on the bridge. We took photos and chatted with other runners. Spirits were high.
It took us about 3 minutes to cross the line again this year. We were a bit fast in the first and second mile and tried to slow down in the third as we always tell others to do. We high-fived all the kids and enjoyed the good vibes. We were chatting and met another 15+ runner (who also has run the last 28 Chicago Marathons!). We continued on and chatted with Jeffrey. I saw Seth and Emily just after 10K and we cruised toward my favorite mile on Lafayette Street.
The energy on Lafayette Street was amazing. I tried not to surge and just took in the energy. My favorite mile did not disappoint! I even saw Chicago friend Cam and then 3 Run 2 crew. Williamsburg was totally quiet this year and there was police tape for about a mile. It was actually nice to have a bit of quiet to get centered. Once the mile ended, the crowd was so amazing. It was music and signs and cheers. I tried not to speed up but to maintain speed while enjoying the run.
I felt really good heading onto the Queensboro Bridge. I haven’t done many any hills this season but I just did my best and tried to relax. I cheered some other people on and encouraged an Achilles team hand-cycling for ALS. This was the best I’ve felt on the bridge in years.

I saw The Husband and Eric and his boys near 81st Street. And then Chigago friend Nimbe and then Andrea and crew on First Ave.

Then, Chris and the Tortugas were near mile 19 and got these epic photos! I could not stop smiling as I headed over the Willis Avenue Bridge.
Before I knew it I was headed into the Bronx. I felt great until I didn’t but got a great surprise when Jenny (from Chicago) jumped in and ran a bit with me and made a super cute video.
I can’t lie, I struggled from mile 21 to 23.5 when we got to Central Park. I counted down the blocks until I saw Marie with the Hash House Harriers. I was so happy to get to Central Park.

Just over 2 miles to go. I scanned the crowd and saw The Husband and Eric again. Then Brett, Lia and Padraig, Kathy and finally Holly and Chad. I took the down hill as quickly as I could. I took a Gatorade at the last water stop before the 40K mark and unfortunately got a side stitch. The last mile was slow and I was struggling but I kept moving and smiling as best I could.
Before I knew it, I was running toward the finish line.

NYC Marathon #24 was complete. My time was 4:06:26 – I was on pace for sub-4 (which was my goal), but got derailed a bit. Given that it’s my 3rd marathon in 5 weeks and I ran no hills, I’m calling this a big win!
As always, a million thanks to all who cheered, texted, DM’d and commented on Instagram, Facebooked, called and supported me. I’m so grateful and humbled by all of the love and support year after year. Congrats to friends, old and new, who impress me year after year.
Marathon #66 and NY Marathon #24 is in the books. Not many people can say that – right?

I went to the New Balance “Shake Off” Run on Monday (run streak day 1,726). I got to run with running legend, Meb Keflezighi and Insta friend Cathy and then met Lauren for a quick run and brunch. This whole weekend was filled with fun and friends. I’m really grateful for the opportunity to run every year. It keeps getting better and better.

That’s a wrap – see you next year NYC Marathon!