Friday Five: 5 Tips for Chicago Marathoners + 5 for Spectators

It’s that time again! The Chicago Marathon is this weekend. It’s so much fun to see all of the people coming in from all over the world to enjoy this world class race in our city. I have some tips for runners and spectators so that they can have the best experience possible. Share them!

5 Tips for Chicago Marathoners

1. Start slow and finish strong – The start of the marathon tends to be fast. The atmosphere is electric and people are excited to run. Also, the GPS signals are not always the best. Remember to run your own race and pay attention to your pace in the first 10K. It’s a flat, fast course, but it is possible to go out too fast and lose steam at the end. Be patient!

2. Enjoy the crowd – Chicago has great fans. We love our sports, marathons included. Take in the positive energy, give high fives, read the signs. Say thank you to fans and volunteers. They’re all rooting for you! (One caveat. The race is also crowded. Don’t waste energy weaving the first two miles. Getting “stuck” can actually help to slow you down and better pace yourself. Just relax and save the energy for later in the race.)

3. Know where your supporters are going to be – EXACTLY – It’s crowded out there. Know which mile/cross street/side of the street your fans are going to be on. Consider transit stops for side of the street – as it can be tough to cross the course. If you need help, ask me in the comments or on Instagram DM! (Or ask at the expo)

4. Remember to smile – Science shows that smiling makes us feel better. My anecdotal evidence tells me that when I smile, I get more crowd support. Either way, it’s a win-win. This has been a tough 18 months plus for everyone. Smile! You made it to race day and your body can run a marathon!

5. Take it all in and remember it’s supposed to be fun! Check out all of the neighborhoods and entertainment. Read the signs. A wise friend once asked me after a race, “did someone pay you to be here today?” As it occurred to me that I pay my hard earned money for marathons, it’s supposed to be fun!

5 Tips for Chicago Marathon Spectators

Team Superfan – NYC Marathon, 2009 (We look so young!)

1. Plan your spots and tell your runners where you’ll be. Don’t forget this is a huge race, so it’s important to tell them (and to know) where and what side of the street you’ll be on. It’s hard to cross the race so look at the map to see which side you’ll be on. Pick landmarks or cross streets and look at the course to tell your runner which mile marker you’ll be near. Here’s a link to the course map. When I’ve spectated, I used to hit mile 13 and 20 or 25 depending on how fast my fastest runners are. It’s easy to do 6 and 9 then to head to the 20s via the el train, too.

2. Know your runner’s number. You can track your runner if you know his/her number. It can take 20 minutes for runners to cross the start line in some cases. If you track, you can better estimate when he or she will get to you. Do keep in mind that with so many runners, the alerts may be delayed, so keep an eye out around the expected pace. (Don’t forget to ask the expected pace!)

3. Know what your runner(s) are wearing. There are a lot of runners coming at you, so you have to know what to look for. Tell them what you’re wearing, too, so they can look for you. Even better, take a tip from my friend Carolyn’s book and carry a big helium balloon. I always see her from far away. She tells me what character she gets via text on race morning. Usually it’s Tweety Bird!

4. Cheer for everyone. Bring a cowbell if you want to save your hands. Call out names/teams, tell people they look great and that can do it. [A caveat from my friend Jason, “never tell a walking runner he/she “looks good.” Shout other encouragement like “you can do it!” instead!]

5. Unless you are near the finish, NEVER say “your almost there.” In my mind that means .5 miles or less is “almost there.” Even better, only yell this if you can actually see the finish line. When someone yells this at Mile 10, or even 20, I want to punch them and hurl myself off of a bridge. Got that one? Good. It’s really important. I’ve seen a sign at mile 20 that said, “You are NOT almost there.” That made me chuckle and it was very true.

Did I miss anything? Please leave your top tips in the comments!

Good luck to all of the runners this weekend! Start slow and finish strong. Enjoy every step!

I’m linking up with DarleneMichelleReneeJenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!

Have a good weekend!

PS. Please don’t forget my great giveaways.