I know for some people that this will be rushing the end of summer, but I LOVE fall. I love fall weather and there are a ton of great events and happenings that I’m looking forward to, as well.

5 Things I’m Looking Forward to This Fall
Berlin Marathon and visits to Amsterdam and Munich – I’m excited to be running the Berlin Marathon for my 5th (of 6) World Marathon Major completion. The Husband and I decided to spend a few days in Amsterdam on the way and to take the train to Berlin. It’s supposed to be super scenic. Then after the race with Sue, Carly, Fernanda and James, we’re planning to go to Munich with Sue and Brett. Let me know if you’ll be running Berlin!
Chicago Marathon (2023 recap) -This will be my seventh running of the Chicago Marathon. I swore off of it it 2007 (still my slowest marathon ever when I wasn’t pacing someone else), I ran in 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023 had a ton of fun. This year, I’m a Chicago Marathon ambassador so I’ll be participating in a ton fun events and activations in the lead up to the race. Let me know if you’ll be here for the race!
Open House Chicago – Open House Chicago has virtual events all over the city from October 1 – 31 and in person events on the weekend of October 19 and 20. Last year, I volunteered at the a building in the Loop. This year, I’m going to try to volunteer in a different part of the city.
NYC Marathon (2023 recap) – If you’ve been here, you know I love the NYC Marathon. This will be my 24nd running! Last year was my slowest, so I’m hoping for a better performance. And also hope to still be standing after Berlin and Chicago. Can’t wait! Is anyone running? I can share tons of great resources with you – start here with some of my top tips.
Fun Celebratory trips – Our 22nd wedding anniversary is in November! We’re planning a shorter trip this year because of our other trips. I’m also planning another trip with my college girlfriends after our fun trip to Puerto Rico last year!
What are you looking forward to this fall? Do you have anything fun in the works?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!