Try it Tuesday: Sun Chlorella #Giveaway

I’ve seen Sun Chlorella many times at Expo West and Expo East, but I haven’t really used it. This year, they sent me a care package with a variety of supplements and skin care products (and even some dog treats). They’ll send a lucky reader a package of products like I received to try out.

Sun Chlorella’s founder, Mr. Hideo Nakayama, suffered from health complications after World War II. He was only 51 when doctors gave him a few years to live. He had almost succumbed to his conditions when a friend introduced him to chlorella.  Once he recovered, he dedicated his life to researching and spreading information about this amazing superfood.

Sun Chlorella pioneered a unique process that pulverized chlorella’s tough outer cell wall for maximum digestibility and nutrition. This process has made Sun Chlorella one of the most digestible chlorella on the market. Approved by Certified for Sport® and Informed-Sport,Sun Chlorella is the only chlorella NSF-certified supplement on the market today. Perfect for active and on-the-go lifestyles.

What is Chlorella?

Chlorella is a single-celled, freshwater green algae bursting with nutrients. Chlorella contains naturally occurring vitamins (like active Vitamin B12) and minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and more chlorophyll per gram than any other plant food. When taken daily, chlorella can help support overall health, immune system, natural detoxification system, gut health and much more. Check out some of the research and findings that support the use of chlorella here.

The team sent over an awesome starter pack. It included three chlorella supplements, two types of skin cream, eleuthero (an adaptogen) and a new brain health supplement.

  • Sun Chlorella (200 mg and 500 mg) -Sun Chlorella tablets are an easy-to-take form of chlorella so you can get all the benefits of chlorella at home or on the go. When taken daily, chlorella can help support overall health, immune system, natural detoxification system, gut health, and much more*!
  • Sun Chlorella Powder – Sun Chlorella Powder can be easily incorporated into any drink or recipe. Sprinkle it onto yogurt, oatmeal or salads for an added nutritional boost.
  • Sun Eleuthero – Eleuthero is an adaptogenic herb that comes with a slew of potential health benefits like increased energy, improved cognitive function and overall support in improved quality of life.* 
  • Sun Neuro – Sun Neuro is a unique nootropic made up of natural plasmalogens that can boost your brain health and unlock your full cognitive potential.*
  • Astarella Primetime Skin Cream – Features the powerful benefits of astaxanthin and chlorella growth factor (CGF). This exclusive skin cream revitalizes and restores skin for an undeniably luminous finish.*
  • Sun Chlorella Cream – Contains Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), an ingredient like no other that helps to even out skin tone. Not only that, but Sun Chlorella Cream combines CGF with other ingredients like clove and grapefruit seed extract to promote healthy-looking skin.

Want to try these great products? Sun Chlorella will send one lucky reader a gift pack like I received. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Winner must be 18 years of age or older, have a US postal address and the offer is void where prohibited. The giveaway runs through July 10. A winner will be selected and notified on July 11.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Remy is a chlorella fan!

Don’t want to wait? Get Sun Chlorella online and on Amazon (affiliate link). You can follow them on Instagram and Facebook.

Have you tried chlorella?

Please note: I received these products at no cost in exchange for editorial consideration. I was not otherwise compensated for this post.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please consult a medical professional before taking new supplements.