It’s the last Friday of the month, so it’s time to join Marcia for “Runfessions!” Runfessions are running truths or “where runners bare their souls and soles.” It feels like we blinked and it’s nearly summer. I did a lot of racing in June – probably too much – and I’m looking forward to a vacation.
I runfess… I’m going to take a bit of a training break when I’m on vacation in July. I really need it! I’m feeling tried and a bit burned out from training and racing. (See runfession #2) I’m planning to run a few miles a day but I’m excited for a bit of a break from long runs, races and marathon training. I’m hoping to come back refreshed.

I runfess… I ran a few too many races in June and none of them particularly well (for me). I ran four 5Ks, a 10K and a half marathon. I did have a lot of fun. Surprisingly the run I did the best in was the Under Armour 15K Challenge – a 5K at 8:00 AM followed by a 10K at 9:00 AM. It was an all women’s run and low pressure. I felt surprisingly good during and after and was . I am running only one race in July – a mile. It will be good to take a break!

I runfess… I had so much fun at and around the Chicago 13.1 as a Chicago Distance Classic ambassador. This was the second race of three in the series and the third running of this race. I got to attend the Nike Pegasus Launch, led a great shakeout at Arc’teryx and ran the race. I struggled a bit in the heat but enjoyed the crowds, cheering sections, saw tons of friends and got to finish with my friend Chris. I also had my first confetti popper experience thanks to Chris and Kristy and the Tortugas. 10/10 recommend!

I runfess… I also enjoyed being an ambassador for the White Sox 5K last weekend. It’s a really fun, family race. The race supports White Sox Charities, finishes on the field, has free photos and a fun post race party. I ran the race for fun after CARA marathon training. Due to the heat, it wasn’t too competitive so I was still 1st of 58 in my age group and 18th female of 468. Not too bad for a “fun” run!
I runfess… I’ve been doing pretty well with the heat, but got my butt kicked this Wednesday in 84% humidity. I saw 72 degrees and I didn’t bring water or SaltStick. I’m going to follow my own advice from now on. If you missed my summer running must haves list, check them out here.
Do you have any Runfessions? Please leave them in the comments.
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Have a great weekend!