May ’24 Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month, so it’s time to join Marcia for “Runfessions!” Runfessions are running truths or “where runners bare their souls and soles.” It feels like we blinked and it’s nearly summer. I’m excited for some fun running events in June and vacation in July, so I’m going to get to it.

I runfess… that I had a great weekend in Brooklyn/Queens, but I don’t think I’ll be racing back to run the race again next year. Why? It’s SO crowded from start to finish and the second half is really monotonous. I had a fine run (especially the first 11 miles – LOL) but it wasn’t my favorite. Luckily, Expo West moved back to the first week in March, so I should be able to run the NYC Half again in March.

I runfess… I was gobsmacked by the Pegasus 41 launch VIP Box I got. Check out my Instagram reel here. I was invited to the launch party on June 5 as an ambassador for the Chicago Distance Classic. Stay tuned for the details from there!

I runfess… I’m excited for the Chicago 13.1 next weekend. It’s the second race of the Chicago Distance Classic series. It’s always really fun and has awesome support on the city’s West Side. Let me know if you’ll be out there, so I can look for you.

I runfess… I am signed up for two 5Ks and a 10K this weekend. The first 5K and the 10K are on Saturday. The 5K at 8:00 AM and the 10K at 9:00 AM so it’s a 15K challenge. I’m going to try to run a consistent pace for both and finish with a good 15K time if that makes sense. We’ll see how it goes.

Summer Running Must Haves

I runfess… I’m happy with the mild weather we’ve had this week. If you missed my summer running must haves list, check them out here.

Do you have any Runfessions? Please leave them in the comments.

I’m linking up with DarleneMichelleReneeJenn and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday. Join us!

Have a great weekend!