I always say that I’m more of a “blogging runner” than a running blogger. I do like to write about running, races and tips/tricks for running but that is not enough to call this a running blog – not even close! That said, here is my running recap of the third quarter of 2022. Races and travel are back and I’ve had some fun running opportunities this year so far. I ran a ton of miles including a bunch of running tours which picked up this quarter.
Races run this Q– 3. 4 on the 4th, Alpine Races 10 Miler, Hidden Gem Half Marathon
Miles run: 616 – which averages to ~6.7 miles per day.
Miles run in races: 27.1 (only 1/3 as many as last quarter!)
Run Streak Days: 960 – still trying to decide on ending or keeping the streak! I’m going for 1,000 days now and I’m CLOSE!
Falls: 0 – last quarter’s fall was enough for this year, I hope
Personal Records (PRs): 0 – no surprise there!
Rave Run Spots: Llagostera, Madrid and Seville in Spain and Philadelphia
Exciting News: I’m on the Run with Alli LIVE podcast talking about the NYC Marathon! Listen here.
Star Sightings: None.
Pairs of Sneakers: 3 – Currently in the rotation Saucony Endorphin Pro, Saucony Endorphin Speed, Hoka Mach 5
Popular Running Posts:
Races Planned for Q4: Chicago Marathon (10/9) and NYC Marathon (11/6) – that’s it so far! 😉
Brief Race Reports – I included a few “how I did” postscripts on posts that I wrote on race days. Here is a brief recap of the races I ran this quarter:
1. 4 on the 4th, Elmhurst, IL – July 4, 2022
After a weird COVID staggered start, the 4 on the 4th was “back to normal.” My legs were pretty dead from Grandma’s but I had fun! I was going for sub 7:30 but fell a bit short.
The Results: Net Time – 30:35 (7:38/mile). Overall place 226 of 800. Gender place 52 of 382. Division place 3 of 30.
2. Alpine Races 10 Miler – Lake Zurich, IL – August 21, 2022
It was cool, humid and hilly for this one and this race was new to me. I enjoyed the run and was mostly solo on the course in the small field.
The Results: Net Time – 1:22:09 (8:12/mile). Overall place 79 of 220. Gender place 24 of 97. Division place 1 of 9.
3. Hidden Gem Half Marathon, Flossmoor, IL – September 10, 2022
I wilted in the humidity and rising temps (over 80 at the finish) in this one. Had a pretty solid first 9 and then changed my goal to finish with a smile instead of racing all out.
The Results: Net Time – 1:52:14 (8:34/mile). Overall place 282 of 823. Gender place 83 of 443. Division place 3 of 30.
How was your third Q in running? Please share in the comments.