And just like that, the heat’s back in Chicago, so I have summer running on my mind. If you’ve been around here, you know I’m not exactly built for heat. I have some old faves to recommend and a few new/new to me items for you to check out to make this heat more bearable.
Five “Must Haves” for Summer Running

Hat and Sunglasses – I’ve seen a bunch of stories recently about the impact of sun and UV rays to the eyes. I usually wear a hat or sunglasses. I love my Oakley’s and have a few back up pairs of Goodr’s. I have a bunch of hats in the rotation and am curious about one I saw on Instagram from Arctic Cool or this one from Mission. They are supposed to cool you down when they get wet. So you can wet it before you run and on the run. I’m wondering if it will work through my hair. I’m game to try it!
Anti-Chafe and Deodorant – I’m not going to lie, I’m a sweaty woman! I always need a good anti-chafe product and long lasting deodorant in the heat. I’ve always had great luck with Body Glide. I love the small stick for travel and race days. I’ve been using Magsol deodorant and it’s great even in the heat.

Hydration – Water fountains are still off here, so I’ll be using my hydration pack for longer runs and hand held for shorter runs. Mine are from Nathan but there are a lot of great options! When it gets hotter, I add salt with Salt Stick caps (or chews). Post run, I re-hydrate with SOS and Nuun.
Sun Protection – I haven’t always been the best about using sun protection. I just got some performance sunscreen spray from Kinesys. It’s cruelty free and free of alcohol, preservatives and parabens. It comes in SPF 30 and SPF 50 and sprays on clear.

Electolytes – I “found” a new pre-workout electrolyte tab called Salis at the Miami Half this year. I tried it and then bought some and contacted the brand. I met Glenn, the founder, on Zoom and then after the NYC Marathon in NY. You take 2 – 3 tablets 30 – 60 minutes before your run. These time release tablets deliver “sustained micronutrient replacement” throughout your workout from start to finish. I’ve used these in hot races and plan to use them for my long runs and races all summer! Stay tuned for a review and giveaway.
What are your must haves for summer running?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Have a great weekend!
PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!
Please note: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. If you use these links I’ll receive a small commission. To see many of my finds, check out this Amazon page.