February ’22 Runfessions

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up for the new Fit Friday Five. I’m doubling down and linking up with Marcia for “Runfessions,” too! Runfessions are running truths or “where runners bare their souls and soles.” February is a short month but I have a surprising amount to runfess nonetheless.

2 year run streak!

I runfess… I made it to two years on my run streak! I also runfess that since I ran alone (in crazy, windy conditions), I asked a stranger to take the photo above. I’ve run over 5,000 miles and 2 years (+ 5) days in a row.

I runfess… It was great to see Lauren and my Flex and Flow friends in Malibu, CA at the end of last month. However the super windy conditions made the camping and some of the trail running a bit more challenging than I expected. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. That said, I’m going to stay on the road and in a bed for the most part.

I runfess… I enjoyed running the Miami Half Marathon earlier in the month. I’m proud of how well I held up mentally despite the heat. It’s usually my kryptonite. It was nearly 70 at the start. I ran hard while the sun was still down, took a necessary pit stop at mile 9 and then just did my best. Most importantly, I had fun in the race and with my friends all weekend. I’m calling it a win!

I runfess… I signed up for the Rock n Roll Las Vegas half marathon this upcoming Sunday because I’ll be in Vegas visiting my mom. It’s at 4:30 PM on Sunday and I was planning to be down on the Strip after visiting my mom. I figured “why not?” I’m hoping that I can figure out a hydration and fuel plan that works!

I runfess… I was surprised to get a run tour order for February 11th. We got super lucky with a 40 degree day. It was actually quite pleasant and I made a new running friend from France! The next day was in the low teens and we saw someone ice fishing. Ah Chicago!

Do you have any runfessions? Please leave them in the comments.

I’m linking up with DarleneMichelleReneeJenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!

Have a great weekend!

PS. Don’t miss my great giveaways!