Friday Five: 5 Easy Healthy Eating Tips for ’22

It’s a new year and I’ve gotten a zillion and one emails with healthy tips. I’m not doing Whole30 or any kind of detox or cleanse – no quick fixes here. The thing that works best for for me is to make small, healthy changes and to stick with them. I’ve participated in a lot of “challenges” and here are some of my favorite “easy” tips for eating healthier.

1. Stock the fridge and pantry with healthy, minimally processed foods
. Stock up on fresh produce and lean proteins. I’m lucky enough to be able to grab fresh produce a few times a week. I also get Imperfect Produce deliveries every other week. They offer overstock or small/large/slightly strange produce. That’s less waste and a low price – a win-win. They have other healthy overstock groceries now, too. I’m also stocking up on hummus, soups and convenient healthy meals like harvest bowls from Daily Harvest. [Get $25 off your first order or gift card with code RE-AS8KRV5.]

2. Eat less sugar. This is the hardest one for me. Check labels for sugar and added sugar. Some common foods that contain sugar are breads, cereals and milk. Who knew? At least I can be more mindful of sugar in my food. That’s a good start. [Then I can start on kicking my daily candy habit… small wins – right?]

3. Drink more water. Sometimes when you feel hungry, it’s because you’re actually thirsty or dehydrated. I drink a ton of water. Some tips – always have a water bottle near by, try hot water with lemon, add fruit or mint to your water or try flavored seltzers or waters. One of my favorite all natural, no sugar added flavored waters is Flow. They’re the new hydration partner of the NYC Half and they sent me some water to help with my training – Woot!

4. Try something new. I’m good at this one! I’m always on the look out for new healthy foods to try. I’m trying a bunch of new plant based milks from Malk, eating plant based for one to two meals a day and have a bunch of healthy soup recipes on tap. One pandemic silver lining for us has been cooking more and trying some new healthy cook books.

5. Slow down! Another one that I need to work on! One way to make better food and drink choices is to just slow down. Chewing slowly helps with digestion and it will also help you recognize more easily when you’re full.

What easy healthy eating tips are you going to try this year?

I’m linking up with DarleneMichelleReneeJenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!

Have a great weekend!

PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!

Please note: This post contains affiliate links for Imperfect Produce, Daily Harvest and Amazon. If you use these links, I’ll receive credit or a small commission.