Start the New Year Right with Noom!

This post is sponsored by Noom. This post contains affiliate links. I’ll be compensated if sign up for Noom with these links.

I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions but think it’s a great time to start fresh with healthy habits. If you’ve been around here, you know I’m very consistent with fitness – especially running. My running streak is almost a year long now. That said, while we’ve been making most of our food for the past nine months, and trying to keep it mostly healthy, I’ve gotten a bit loose with my treats and sweets. It’s pretty much my biggest vice as I only drink the occasional drink at home.

Something that helps me to get back on track is logging with Noom. You may remember that I checked out Noom in the summer of 2019 and posted about it this time last year. I tracked my meals and exercise for a few months to understand my calorie needs. I also completed the 16 week “Boot Camp for your Mind” which consists of daily “bite sized” sessions to stay motivated and understand the psychology behind improving your eating habits.

To start my year right, I’ve been logging my food and exercise on Noom. I also track sleep and heart rate with my Fitbit. This helps me to rein in my snacks and treats and focus on balance of food intake versus a calorie budget. When I don’t track, I can let the portions of my sweets, nuts or other foods get a bit out of control. The sleep and heart rate monitoring help me understand hydration, stress and impact my overall feeling of health and wellbeing.

Whether your trying to refresh or start anew, I recommend trying Noom. Read on to learn more.

What is Noom?

Noom uses technology and coaches to deliver successful behavior change for sustainable weight loss. They say that “over 80% of Noom users have lost weight on other weight loss plans only to gain it all back.” Noom’s psychology-based program “teaches people how to identify and change the habits that have been holding them back.”

Want to try Noom?

Take a free assessment and a get a trial membership for $.50. You can check it out and decide for yourself if it works for you. If you like it, you can purchase a 2 month program for $99 or an annual program for $199. Learn more and take a free assessment at Noom.