Friday Five: 5 Wellness Ideas I’m Trying for a Healthier 2021

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for Friday Five. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, intentions or “pick words.” It’s never been my thing. Over the last few years, I’ve been focusing on starting fresh each day and not waiting for the change of calendars. That said, after the last nine months of home stay, continued coronavirus crisis and the stress and disappointment of this week, I’m planning to focus on self care and some healthy challenges.

Limit screen time on my phone and computer. I’ve been trying to spend less time on my computer and phone. I was doing great until Wednesday, but I’m still trying! Anyone have good tips?

Focus on gratitude and abundance. I’m joining my favorite yoga and fitness instructor, Maggie Umberger and Sarah Philipp of Abundelicious for a 30 day holistic health challenge starting January 10. The challenge includes live workouts on Sundays and access to many more workouts from (great yoga, killer HIIT and more!) and nutrition support from Sarah. They’ll also provide meal prep guides, movement inspiration, a digital community of support and much more. Learn more here. If you’d like to join in, use code ERICA for $30 off your registration!

Continue cooking and add new healthy recipes to my tool box. Like everyone else, we’ve been cooking most of our meals. I have a variety of healthy and healthier recipes that we’ve had on repeat. My goal is to try 2 or 3 new recipes a month. Anyone have any must try dishes for me to try?

Birthday runs help to keep the run streak alive!

Keep up my run streak (for now) and continue at home exercise routines. I’m loving my daily runs for fresh air, stress relief and spending time with friends. In addition, I’m doing:

  • Virtual Pilates on Mondays with Maureen from Ryan Wellness.
  • Working out with the Presence Fit app. I tried it with A Sweat Life and they had a great deal for a two week free trial and then $99 for a year. The app has live and on demand HIIT, yoga and Pilates classes on iPhone (or Apple TV). Get 2 weeks free here. (iPhone only right now)
  • Doing some virtual strength classes (live and on demand) tailored to runners with Olympian Colleen De Reuck through Go! Running. Want to try a class? Get a free trial here.

Focusing on foods and supplements to support immunity and sleep. I’m wearing my mask and being super cautious, but I’m also focused on a healthy immune system. I’ve been loading up on Vitamins A, C and D, zinc and iron. My friends from Gaia Herbs have sent me their Immune Support line and Respiratory Support line to check out. Stay tuned for a full review. I’ve also been taking magnesium for sleep and am trying out Self Supplements Immunity and Unwind and will have a review and giveaway soon!

Anything I missed? What are you doing to start off your year in a healthy way?

Have a good weekend, friends!