Friday Five: 5 Afternoon Snacks I’m Digging This Fall!

It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five. If you’ve been around on my Instagram stories, you may have noticed that I have an abundance of amazing snacks and afternoon pick me ups that I’ve found while “safe at home.” Be on the look out for these great snacks in your local stores, on Amazon and here for great giveaways!

Five Fall Snacks I’m Loving Lately!

Mighty Sesame Co. TahiniBar – I “found” TahiniBars in my New Hope Network Blogger Box last year. These 100 calorie sesame seed bars are delicious and all natural. They’re gluten free, dairy free and vegan. They come in three flavors – Pistachio, Cacao and Vanilla. The Pistachio is my favorite! They’re the perfect size for a decadent treat. They sent me their tahini to try, too. Stay tuned for a full review. In the meantime, find them on Amazon.

Aila Cinnamon Oat Matcha Latte – The folks from Aila Matcha sent me some samples to try and a recipe for their Cinnamon Oat Matcha Latte. It’s a tasty afternoon pick me up. It’s one packet of Matcha Energy, 1/4 c. of hot water, 1/4 tsp of cinnamon and 1 c. of frothed oat milk. I added a bit of cinnamon sugar to the top for good measure. Find Aila Matcha online.

Absolutely. Gluten Free Raw Coconut Chews – Absolutely. Gluten Free sent me their new, individually wrapped Raw Coconut Chews. They come in Cranberry Chocolate and Chocolate & Cacao Nibs. They’re gluten free, vegan and 100 calories or less. I’m enjoying these with a cup of tea in the afternoon – especially the Chocolate & Cacao Nibs. Find them on Amazon.

Uplift Gut Happy Cookies – I found Uplift Gut Happy Cookies at Expo East last year. They are low sugar, grain free, high protein and contain pre- and probiotics. They best thing is that they actually taste good. The cookies come in three flavors – Salted Peanut Butter with Chocolate and Coconut, Sunflower Butter with Vanilla + Chia and Salted Almond Butter with Vanilla + Chia. You can find them on Amazon.

Daily Crunch Snacks – The folks at Daily Crunch reached out to see if I wanted to try their unique sprouted almonds and sprouted mixed nut medley. The nuts are soaked, sprouted and gently dehydrated for a crunchy snack. They have no salt and are not roasted so they’re better for you. They come in three varieties: Just Almonds, Coffee-Soaked Sprouted Almonds and Cherry Berry Nut Medley. The Just Almonds are my favorite. They’re a great filling, crunchy snack. Find them on Amazon.

What snacks are you loving lately? Which of these do you want to try most?

Have a great weekend!

PS. Don’t miss my great giveaways!

Please note: I received some of these products no cost in exchange for editorial consideration. I was not otherwise compensated for this post. All opinions are my own. This post contains Amazon affiliate links. If you use these links, I’ll receive a small commission.