It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five. Since it’s the first weekend of the month, I‘m also linking up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance and Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date, too.
What is the Ultimate Coffee Date? Imagine we’re having coffee together… this post is what I would tell you. So grab a cup, “listen” and then tell me what is going on with you in the comments, please!
If we were having virtual coffee… I’d tell you that I inadvertently put bone broth in my coffee instead of oat milk earlier this week. They looked the same! Oops. It gave me the perfect opportunity to try the Copper Cow Coffee Churro Pour Over that I bought earlier in the month. They donated two coffees for every 5 pack purchased so I bought Churro Latte and Cardamom. They’re an awesome treat for the stay at home life. I bought a bunch of buy one give one things in April – did you?
If we were having virtual coffee… I’d ask how your family and friends are doing and ask how you’re holding up. I’ve been doing my best trying to remain positive and grateful for all that we have. We’re safe, have plenty of food and our work has not been impacted. I’m trying to think of the silver linings like “seeing friends and colleagues” often on Zoom, having more time to spend with The Husband, slowing down, being more present in activities and relaxing more, etc. I’m still trying my best- not always succeeding. How are you?
If we were having virtual coffee… I’d tell you that The Husband and I just finished our fourth 1000 piece puzzle. Don’t worry, we have 4 on deck and are planning a swap. I used to do jigsaw puzzles with my dad and I’m really enjoying doing them. The Husband is really enjoying the puzzles. We think this might be a post quarantine hold over. I’d ask if you are doing puzzles or any other new pass times.
If we were having virtual coffee… I’d tell you that I found an awesome deal on The Skimm for Babbel. I’ve finally started learning Spanish. I’ve been talking about learning Spanish forever. Yo soy Erica. Como te llamas? Get a month free to learn the language of your choice with this link. Plus, get 20% back on any Babbel purchase from Rakuten. [If you don’t have a Rakuten account sign up here!]
If we were having virtual coffee… I’d tell you that in the ultimate role reversal I’ve gone from the world’s most social runner to the one who hopes no one is out running at all. Well, social distancing is tough near my place with the lakefront and park closed. I had a few great runs in the rain and wind. I’d ask if you have any surprising changes you’ve noticed during this crazy time. [I’d also ask if you’re wearing a mask or buff to run – I have been.]
If we were having coffee… I’d ask “what’s happening by you?” Please tell me in the comments!
PS. Please don’t forget my great giveaways.