Make This Your Best Decade Yet with Noom!

This post is sponsored by Noom.

Is it your New Year’s resolution to lose weight again? This time of year can be a bit crazy making with all of the “healthy” resolutions and fad diets. I checked out Noom last summer. I’m happy to report that I made some small changes that helped me to (pretty much) maintain my weight over the holidays. The app, coaching and groups were helpful to manage holidays and vacations. Tracking food and exercise helped me to be more mindful with my eating, so that I didn’t need to start over on 1/1 again this year!

Noom is a mobile app that uses technology and coaches to deliver successful behavior change for sustainable weight loss. They say that “over 80% of Noom users have lost weight on other weight loss plans only to gain it all back.” Noom’s psychology-based program “teaches people how to identify and change the habits that have been holding them back.”

Their program is designed to help you lose weight and make lifestyle changes. They call their first 16 weeks a “Boot camp for your Mind.” Noom uses motivational interviewing to make the experience relevant to you, your goals and learning style. They provide feedback through the app and messaging and even have groups for those who’d like to participate. The boot camp sessions can be done in 10 minutes or so in one setting or broken up throughout the day.

Up my alley – They use my fave running quote from Henry Ford!

With all of my running and activity, I like making sure I get the right amount of fuel with Noom. I really liked the bite sized education sessions in the boot camp. Using only 5 – 10 minutes per day, I learned something or was able to reinforce positive habits. My coach is helpful and I like the group feature for motivation, information and challenges.

Want to try Noom? They offer everyone a free assessment and a trial for only $.50. You can check it out and decide for yourself if it works for you. If you like it, you can purchase a 2 month program for $99 or an annual program for $199. Learn more and take a free assessment at Noom.

Please note: I was compensated for this post and this post contains affiliate links. I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.