It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five. Suddenly, it’s almost Thanksgiving and we’re buying holiday presents. During this time of year (and with the winter weather and lack of sunlight), it’s easy to lose track of healthy habits. I’ve been working on staying healthy and sane over the holidays for years. Now, I’m sharing my tips!

5 Tips for Happier and Healthier Holidays
1. Enjoy everything … in moderation. A few indulgences won’t mess up your health and fitness routine, but a few indulgences every day can. Pick your favorites treats and traditions and stick with them on a few occasions. And remember, there’ll be more next year!
2. Sign up for an event or fitness challenge. Some years I run a winter marathon. This year, I signed up for a marathon in December and a running trip in Mexico City with Janji in January to keep myself in check. I’m also going to continue working out with my trainer and doing Pilates. Lots of people do nutrition and fitness challenges, too. Sweat Pink is doing #HolidaySweat where you commit to 10 minutes of activity every day between Thanksgiving and New Years. I love this, because 10 minutes often becomes more but if not, you still have a quick boost.
3. Exercise in the morning or with friends… or both. If possible, exercise in the morning. Most parties don’t happen before 8 AM – right? Have trouble getting up in the morning? Get some friends to join you. It’s much easier to meet morning exercise commitments if there is someone waiting for you out in the cold! Also, consider meeting friends to sweat instead of for drinks – or do both!
4. Eat healthy meals (when possible) and keep healthy snacks on hand. For most of us, every day won’t be a party. Try to eat healthy, balanced meals whenever possible. And whatever you do, don’t “save room for later” and go to parties hungry. That’s a recipe for disaster. Offer to host some meals or festivities or to bring some dishes, that way you can have some control over what is served.
5. Don’t say “yes” to everything. This pertains to parties, commitments and treats. It’s OK to politely decline some things to take care of your health and well being. Or if you do wind up going to tons of extra events, set a timer and stay for an hour. If there are “food pushers” in your office (or life) keep healthy snacks around and politely decline some holiday treats. Holidays can be a whirlwind and a lot of stress. It’s OK to take some time-outs and take care of yourself.
And if you are traveling during the holidays, don’t miss 10 Ways to Stay Healthy (and Sane) When You Travel.
What are your tips for staying healthy and sane for the holidays? Please leave your tips in the comments.
PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!