The folks at GoLite asked me if I wanted to check out their new line of active wear. GoLite’s collection of high performance active and travel apparel is made from recycled bottles. The collection was designed in an effort to help reduce the amount of plastic ending up on our oceans and landfills. That’s a mission I can get behind!
GoLite is focused on making active outdoor gear that’s “light on the path and the planet.” They’re committed to finding and using sustainable performance fabrics and using packaging materials that are recycled, recyclable, and compostable. They’re also working to make the lightest, functional gear for travel, yoga and running. Items can be layered to work in any climate.
GoLite has also built strong humanitarian initiatives right into their business plan. Check out their GoAid programs. They recently donating 14,000 shirts to Medical Teams International workers in Uganda and Guatemala.
They sent me a running outfit to try. I got the Rebound Top, Rebound Crop Leggings and the Rebound Half Zip. The high waist on the leggings and cut of the top were perfect. I was confident enough to join the sports bra squad. The top is comfortable and supportive (and has a cool back, too!) The leggings have a great cut, compression for a snug, supportive fit and three pockets! These are going to be a spring and fall staple for me. Both pieces are made from recycled bottles and spandex.
The Rebound Half Zip is a great color and material. It has a large zip pocket on the side that fits my phone and key. There are also thumb holes for when I need gloves. It’s made from recycled bottles and bamboo. It has UPF 50+ protection, moisture-management, stretch and anti-odor technology.
I also got a pair of Relight Joggers. These joggers are going to be a fall travel staple for me. They have UPF 30 sun protection, are water and stain resistant and they flex and stretch but retain their shape. They have a zip pocket in the back. They’re also made from recycled water bottles!
GoLite makes clothes and accessories for men and women. There are some great items for all of the active folks on your holiday lists.
Check out GoLite online. Get 15% off on your order with code ERICAFINDS. You can also keep up with GoLite on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Please note: I received these items at no cost in exchange for editorial consideration. This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links, I’ll receive a commission. All opinions are my own.