Tried it Tuesday: Voke Superfood Tablets #Giveaway

If you’ve been around here, you know I love my caffeine for energy. I also dig superfoods and mental clarity. The folks from Voke wanted to know if I was interested in trying out their chewable superfood tabs. Was that a rhetorical question? Of course!

How does Voke work? They say, “mental performance, mood and decision making are linked to natural, chemically driven daily body cycles. Ingredients in Voke affect chemistry in your brain, improving performance throughout this cycle.” Their studies show eating a Voke tablet in the morning and the afternoon fuels the body and helps avoid the cyclical daily low. No one likes that afternoon low!

Voke is plant based and contains only natural ingredients. They are natural red beetroot, organic raw guarana seed, organic acerola cherry and natural green tea leaf caffeine (77mg caffeine per tab – 3/4 cup of coffee). That’s it! Read more about these ingredients and their benefits here. Voke tablets contain no sugar or artificial sweeteners, are gluten free and vegan. Voke is also made in the USA.

They sent me a 30 day supply. I’ve been taking it for 10 days. The tablets taste good and are easy to incorporate into my wellness routine. I’ve noticed less of a poop out in the afternoon. The cherry and beetroot are packed with antioxidants and are great for workout recovery. These are a great addition to my work day and my marathon training. They come in convenient daily pouches that are great for travel or to keep in the home and office.

Want to try Voke Tabs? I’m going to send one lucky reader a 15 day pack of the Voke that was sent to me. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. The winner must be a US resident, 18 years of age or older and the offer is void where prohibited. The giveaway ends on April 11. A winner will be selected and notified on April 12.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

In the mean time, you can get Voke tabs online or on Amazon (prime eligible). You can try Voke at no risk. They offer a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee for any reason. You can also keep up with Voke on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Please note: I was provided samples in exchange for a honest review. I was not otherwise compensated for this post. All opinions are my own. This post contains an Amazon affiliate link. If you use this link, I will receive a small commission. Also, these statements were not evaluated by the FDA and I’m not a medical professional.