It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five. I’ve been struggling to decide what to blog about this week, so I’m just going to tell you “five things.”
1. I’m headed to Expo West again in a few weeks. I’ve been making appointments and planning for some fun events with some of my fave brands and some new to me ones, too. I’m getting excited and am glad I’ll have some great wing-ladies. Becca is coming again and Kaila is meeting us this year. Looks like we’ll see lots of CBD, keto foods, mushrooms and plant based everything. What do you want me to look for?
2. I’m running the NYC Half again with Team Alex supporting Alexandra’s Playground. I’m planning a charity class here in Chicago on 3/3 to raise money for it. Free on 3/3? Here’s the link for my class and raffle. Not free but want to support my run? Here’s the link on Crowdrise. (Every $5 buys a raffle ticket!) My swag bags are going to be pretty awesome! I have goodies from Athleta, SOS Rehydrate, Bada Bean Snacks, Mozaics, Justin’s Nut Butter, Run Gum, Gaia Herbs, Limitless Coffee, Nooma, Foxxpop, Chomps, Dude Wipes and more!

3. I’m pretty much over this winter weather, but the views have been outstanding! I can’t stop taking pictures out the window. I’ve had a few a day in my Instagram stories. It really looks amazing out there. The sky was also amazing yesterday morning when we were running. I wonder if it’s this beautiful every year or if I’m just appreciating it more!?
4. Does something small every irk you and you keep thinking about it? I’m annoyed by runners who run personal bests and post about their disappointment on Instagram. I’ve seen this a lot. Many people who use “Instafamous” running coaches who’ve quickly lowered their times are disappointed with their progress. A personal best should be celebrated. Training paces don’t always convert on race day. Not everyone is going to drop 30 minutes in a marathon. Rant over. (Am I the only one that’s annoyed by this??)

5. I forgot to write a Runfessions post this month! My runfession is that I love running in winter. As much as I like my short sleeves and shorts, and as unpopular as this may be, I’d rather run in 25 – 35 degree weather than 75 degree weather any day. My body loves winter miles. What’s your preference?
That’s all I have for today! Have a great weekend!
PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!