It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five. Since it’s the first weekend of the month, I‘m also linking up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance and Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date, too. January was long and frozen here in January… here’s to February fun!
What is the Ultimate Coffee Date? Imagine we are having coffee together… this post is what I would tell you. So grab a cup, “listen” and then tell me what is going on with you in the comments, please!
If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that this month, The Husband and I will have been together for 21 years. Holy crap! Where does the time go? We met in 1997 and started dating in February of 1998. It seems like it’s gone by in a blink and yet like forever. Either way, I’m grateful and lucky. And, as his Grandpa Rube used to say, “It’s better to be lucky than smart.” I’d ask if you had any momentous occasions coming up.
If we were having coffee… I’d say that I can’t believe that Cycle for Survival is next weekend. Then, I’d ask if you’d like to contribute to beat rare cancers (and to enter to win great prizes in my raffle!) This is the 8th year I’ve participated and the rides have raised over 190 million dollars for cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering to date! My teams have raised over $100,000!

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that the polar vortex here this week was LEGIT. It was colder than cold. If you follow me on Instagram, you’d have seen the view from our place is off the hook. I’m completely obsessed with the steam off the lake. It’s actually “steam fog.” I think it looks magical and I took 1,000,000 pictures of it. I didn’t leave the house for more than 48 hours. I had a lot of time to look out. I’d ask for your polar vortex stories.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I ran two half marathons in one week in January (Sunday 1/20 and Saturday 1/26.) There was over a 60 degree difference between the finish of the Carlsbad Half and the F3 Half. F3 lived up to it’s name this year (F@*&ing Freezing Frozen). The only item I have on in both pics is my sneakers. Ironically, I ran almost 90 seconds faster in the freeze than in the heat. Both were really enjoyable. I must be crazy!
If we were having coffee… I’d ask if you had any vacations or fun events on the horizon. I’m going Expo West again (YAY!). I’m also headed to NYC for the NYC Half in March. I have some races and Sapna and I are working on planning a trip to Mexico that we won at a blogging event. The Husband and I need to get some stuff on the books, too! Any ideas?
If we were having coffee… I’d ask “what’s happening by you?” Please tell me in the comments!
PS. Please don’t forget my great giveaways.