Five Things I’d Tell You Over Coffee- January 2019


Welcome to the 1st Ultimate Coffee Date link up of 2019. I‘m linking up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance and Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner. It’s Friday so I’m also linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five. 2018 flew by with tons of travel, running and fitness fun, a new job and more. I’m excited to grab a cup to tell you about what’s on tap for 2019 (so far).

What is the Ultimate Coffee Date? Imagine we are having coffee together… this post is what I would tell you. So grab a cup, “listen” and then tell me what is going on with you in the comments, please!

We took this silly selfie before our travels started.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that The Husband and I are starting our usual “absence makes the heart grow fonder” January. He’s skiing and then heading to San Francisco for a work conference. Then, he’ll be back a few days and I head to Albuquerque for work then California for a Bar Mitzvah and a race. Then, he may ski again. We’ve got this down to a science. Ha!

I’ve been planning some fun running and blog things in the first quarter, too. February will be my 8th Cycle for Survival ride. In March, I’ll be heading to Expo West in Anaheim and running the NYC Half again. Of course, I’d ask you what plans you have on the horizon.

Making light of my new year’s resolution angst.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that for some reason I’ve been really sensitive to social media revelations about resolutions and 2019 diets. I’ve seen so many “healthy living” influencers talking about overindulging for the holidays and no going on strict (even crash) diets. I try to “look at my own paper” and pay too much attention to this stuff, but I definitely got pretty worked up by a few comments this year. I’d ask if you noticed this being worse than usual.

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I’m bummed to miss most of Sweatworking Week in Chicago. I’ll be away except Monday and Tues AM. If you’re not familiar with Sweatworking, my friends at A Sweat Life schedule a week with multiple exercise classes and lunches each day and a fitness festival on Saturday. It’s a great antidote to all of the holiday feasting and shenanigans. It’s always a great time and kicks off a fun and fit year. If you’re in Chicago, check out the schedule here. Use code EAgran for 10% off tickets!

My January 1, 2018 Instagram story

If we were having coffee… I’d tell you that I was looking at my January coffee post from last year. I mentioned the greens and apple cider vinegar that I was drinking daily and a book on alkaline diet. Looks like I fell off that wagon (but I did start taking ACV shots at the end of the year again). I still have the book on my desk, so maybe I’ll read it this year! It’s The pH Miracle if you’re interested. I also have The Longevity Diet on my desk. That was recommended when I read another book on intermittent fasting. I have some reading to do! I’d ask if you’ve initiated any health/wellness changes for the year.

If we were having coffee… I’d ask what books you’re reading or what you’re watching. I’m reading The Great Believers by Rebecca Makkai. I’m loving that the 80s part is in my neighborhood. We’re watching the second season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Prime. We’re loving that, too!

If we were having coffee… I’d ask “what’s happening by you?” Please tell me in the comments!

PS. Please don’t forget my great giveaways.