It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday Five 2.0. It’s been hot, hot, hot and humid here in Chicago. If you’ve been around here much, you know I’m not built for heat! Over the years, I’ve come up with some tips and tricks that work for me for running in the heat.

1. Start early (or late)! I’m a morning runner whenever possible. I’m also flexible with my running days. If my long run day looks super hot, I’ll switch it out for a different day. I’m not above hitting the ‘mill for the end of my run or even the whole run. Better to be safe than sorry.
2. Wear light colored, loose fitting clothes and a light colored hat. Light colors reflect the sun and the loose fit lets the air flow to cool your skin. I like to wear a white NYC Marathon 2015 cap I snagged on sale from New York Road Runners. It’s a winner!

3. Freeze a Buff or bandana and wear it as a headband, around your neck or wrists. Once it warms up, you can always run it under cold water at water stops. Lauren and I did this at the Grand Canyon and it was a life saver.
4. Adjust pace and expectations. I always adjust my pace (read: run much slower) when it’s super hot and humid. This is especially true on training runs. If I race on a really hot day, I ratchet back my expectations, too.
5. Carry water and freeze the bottles. I have a few handheld bottles. I like to freeze them so they stay cold for as long as possible. Having water on summer runs is an absolute must.

On longer runs, it’s less comfortable to carry handheld water bottles. I recently tested a Fitletic Fully Loaded Hydration Belt. This belt has a 12 oz water bottle, a water resistant neoprene pouch for a large phone and cards and loops for gels. The best thing is that it has silicone grippers so the belt doesn’t bounce or chafe – even when you’re really sweaty.
The bottle has a wide mouth (so you can load it with ice) and an easy flow spout. The pocket is a quick draw (angled) style. This is perfect for extra water in races or on a long run when you can refill.

The belt fits snug but it isn’t too tight. It’s the first hydration belt I’ve tried with no bounce even after I got sweaty. It’s very comfortable and the quick draw design makes the water easy access. I’m a big fan! I’m going to wear it this weekend in a 10 mile trail race for extra hydration.
You can get the Fitletic Fully Loaded online and on Amazon (Prime Eligible). They have a TON of other great hydration and storage belts for running and other activities, too!
Some people love to run in the heat – do you? Do you have tips for “beating the heat?”
Have a great weekend, friends!
PS. Don’t forget to enter my great giveaways!
Please note: I received the Fitletic Hydration Belt at no cost in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. This post contains an Amazon affiliate link. If you use this link, I’ll receive a small commission.