It’s Friday, so I’m linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday Five 2.0. This weeks theme is staying fit through the holidays. I do want to post on that and I will – next week! Since, it’s the Friday before the NYC Marathon, I’m going to share 5 reasons why I’m running the NYC Marathon again this year.
If you’ve been around here much, you know that I’m guaranteed entry for life in the NYC Marathon. [If not, read this post to get the scoop.] This Sunday will be the 18th time that I’ve toed the line for the NYC Marathon. This has not been a great year for my running-wise. I stepped back my miles and races in search of my mojo. Truth be told, I haven’t found it. That said, there are many reasons for me to be back in NYC and to be smiling about it.

5 Reasons to Run the NYC Marathon AGAIN!
1. Traditions. Since we moved to Chicago, the NY Marathon has become a homecoming for me. It’s a time to visit friends and family and to connect with people that I miss. Every year, I visit Larry and Dan in NJ (a/k/a my happy place), head to NY to Kathy and the Ds’ and set the marathon weekend in motion. Today, it’s Expo, lunch with Mahala, the streaker party with Marie and the gang and dinner with The Husband’s college crew. Saturday is a shake out run (this year with Runstreet) and dinner with Chicago friends at Il Brigante. Sunday morning starts with meeting Scott for our annual subway to ferry to bus trek to Staten Island. And then we run.

2. All the Friends. I love the opportunity to see so many friends old and new each time I make this trip. Since I started the blog and using Facebook and Instagram, I’ve been able to meet many “virtual” friends in real life, too.
3. Because New York! I love our life in Chicago, but New York has so much energy. Like everything in NY, the marathon is big and bold and loud. Friends and strangers yell their hearts out and cheer you from start to finish. Even after all of these years, I love the crowds and excitement. I love New York and it welcomes me home year after year.
4. Because I Can. Since I completed 15 NYC Marathons by 2015, I’m guaranteed entry to the marathon for life. I don’t have to worry about the lottery or running a qualifying time. It was a long road and I ran it, so I can choose to run every year (or any year) from now on. And when the email comes, I always seem to click on it!

5. Because I’m Able. I have a few friends who are struggling with chronic injuries and one who is battling a debilitating medical condition. I know this won’t be my fastest marathon or anywhere close to my best NYC. I can and will go the distance. I’ll run every step for the friends who cannot run with me this year. I’ll finish with a smile on my face and with gratitude for my health and ability.
To all my friends who will be running and cheering, I wish you all the best for a safe, fun and satisfying day! Whatever your reasons for running or supporting, may this be an unforgettable and amazing trip through the Big Apple.
Godspeed friends! Let’s do this.