Tried It Tuesday: Backpack Wine

6cat4t3After a disastrous beach excursion with a bottle of too warm wine and no corkscrew, some Chicago entrepreneurs looked for a change. They decided to make a wine that could be enjoyed “off the beaten path.” The idea for Backpack Wine was born.

Backpack Wine recently launched two varieties in convenient, recyclable cans. The wine is high quality and is sourced from great vineyards. The cans are made to go from tailgate to ski slope or from bar to beach. Backpack Wine is led by a proven wine industry veteran and wine lover. They’re encouraging folks to “skip the cork and grab a pack” to enjoy no matter what the occasion or location.


Backpack comes in two blended varieties – Cheeky Rosé and Snappy White. They come in in four-can packs with a suggested retail price of $19.99. They recommend the white with spicy food and for cocktail hour. They suggest the rose with rich food and for the grill.

Backpack sent me a 4 pack of 250ml cans of each to try. We grabbed two of each for our Fuelfed Fall Classic. We were staying in a vacation rental with another couple. Sometimes rental properties can be tough in terms of glasses and kitchen supplies. This seemed like a great time to “skip the cork and grab a pack!”


After dinner, we broke out the Backpack wine. The Husband and I tried the Snappy White and Robert and Sasha tried the Cheeky Rose.


We enjoyed both varieties. The wines are crisp and not too sweet. We all agreed that it would be perfect for an outdoor concert or beach vacation. It worked out very well for our rainy night in Galena, too!

Backpack recently launched at Binny’s in Chicago. For more information on when Backpack will be available at a store near you, check out this link. You can also follow Backpack on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Please note: I was offered Backpack Wine at no cost in exchange for an honest review. I was not otherwise compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.