Friday Five: 5 Things to Look Out for Today

It’s Friday, so I am linking up with Courtney at Eat, Pray, Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What and Mar at Mar on the Run for their weekly linkup. Each week they pick a theme and bloggers join in and link up. This year instead of specific themes, they are letting us be creative with broad themes for each week of the month. This is a “fitness” week, but I accidentally did that last week. I am going to kick it freestyle this week. This post is part public service announcement. You may have forgotten, but it is April Fool’s Day. I am a pretty cynical but VERY gullible person. I often question the hoaxes after I fall for them. So, in the spirit of the day ahead, I offer you “5 Things to Look Out for Today.”

5 Things Today FI

1. Remember, nothing in your office or apartment building is now voice activated. This prank seems less prank-y in the Siri era. I remember a “Senior” on a project I worked on in the 90s being known for telling new Analysts that the copier is voice activated and then sitting by and laughing. Your key fob doesn’t work? The sign says your office door is now voice activated. Just. Go. Home.

“Pudding” by @Tammy_Kudrick via Brit & Co

2. Delicious sweet treats may be not so sweet after all. There are any number of not so nice ways that a prankster might get the best of you because of the your damned sweet tooth. The worst one (for me) was a “pudding” on Instagram by @tammy_kudrick that I saw on Brit & Co. Why? Mayo. I HATE MAYO. If someone offers you an Oreo style cookie… beware of a toothpaste middle. This may be a good day to lay off sweets. Just saying.

3. You don’t suddenly have a long lost uncle leaving you a fortune or a child that you didn’t know about. Perhaps these tricks don’t work as well in the Nigerian Bank/Internet hoax era, but if a relative (or a “laywer”) calls with terrific news of good fortune tell them to get back to you tomorrow. Listen to one guy’s sweet story when he finds out about a child he did not know about on The Moth. It (sort of) has a happy ending.

4. That lovely bakery box on the office counter top may not have awesome donuts in it. The office (or home) prankster may get a box from the best bakery or donut store and fill it with raw veggies or cardboard letter Es (“brown Es”). See #2 – may be a good day to avoid the sweets.

Don't freak out... it was an early April Fool's joke!
Don’t freak out… it was an early April Fool’s joke!

5. Your favorite store is not likely going bankrupt nor no longer selling the items you love. Inevitably on April 1, some awesome store is suddenly closing forever. It came a day early yesterday when Yahoo news reported that “Trader Joe’s would close all of their stores in early 2017.” I got very nervous about where I would keep the stock pile of non-perishable TJ products I would have to buy to last… for the rest of my life. Don’t worry, friends, it was an April Fool’s joke. Phew.

Have you ever been an April Fool? (or done the fooling?) Tell me about it in the comments. Have a great weekend, friends!

PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways. They’re no joke!