It’s Friday, so I am linking up with Courtney at Eat, Pray, Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What and Mar at Mar on the Run for their weekly linkup. Each Friday, they host a link up — a “Friday Five.” This week’s topic is “Independence Day.” I am going to go with 5 ways to have a happy, health Independence Day weekend.
We are traveling for the 4th so I am starting with a few tips from my Top 10 Ways to Stay Healthy (and Sane) When You Travel.
1. Plan ahead – Do some research before your trip or weekend events. If you are traveling: Plan flights or travel so that you don’t have to be stressed about being on time. Learn about the destination and see if you can walk places, etc. Pick a hotel with a gym or find a local running path. Look for healthy eating choices nearby. Pack some on the go meals and snacks (see # 2). Make a checklist – The Husband is really good at this.
If you are staying home, check times and schedules for events. Leave plenty of time to get places – because… traffic! Headed to fireworks? Plan for parking so you don’t get stuck for hours afterwards or take public transportation. Headed to a BBQ? Prepare some healthy options to bring for yourself and others.
2. Bring snacks… and don’t get too hungry before the BBQs! – Anyone who has worked with me or traveled anywhere with me for any amount of time knows I ALWAYS have snacks… and gum. One of my biggest downfalls for healthy eating is scarfing down everything in sight because I wait too long to eat. Also, airports and rest stops can be food deserts, though that is getting better in some places. I always bring nuts, dried fruit and a variety of raw food/super healthy energy bars. (Need energy bar ideas? Check out my past giveaways for tons of great options!) I also have started bringing jerky and other high protein options. At airports, and when staying with others, you never know what you are going to get, so bring your own!
If you are headed to an awesome BBQ, don’t “save up” all day and hit the party hungry. You are better off to eat normally and take the edge off of the hunger before the party. Going into a party or BBQ very hungry may cause you to make less healthy choices and to feel that you “deserve to splurge.” This can be a recipe for disaster.
3. Get in a good workout or just get moving – I always pack workout clothes and sneakers for overnight trips. Even if I only have 10 extra minutes, I try to workout. Whether it is with my J & J 7 Minute Workout App or just doing some basic moves. Why? When I started traveling for my first “real” job, I gained a ton of weight and felt terrible because I never had “enough” time. Now I know that 10 or 20 minutes is better than nothing.
We will be at my brother’s farm so I get to run on the hills (YAY!) and use his gym equipment. #happyplace.
4. Be patient and flexible – We love our families (we are seeing some from mine and some from The Husband’s) and friends, but sometimes holidays and events can be stressful. Take a deep breath and appreciate the time you have together. The Husband and I are used to doing things our way and on our own schedule. When seeing family and friends back east or out west, we try to be as flexible as possible.
5. Be grateful and cherish your independence – While the original intent of the 4th is to celebrate independence from the British, it is a good day to reflect on how lucky we are to live in a free, democratic society. Plus, gratitude is good for you! People who are grateful are happier. How do I know? Science.
Have a great LONG weekend! Hope it is happy, healthy and safe!
PS. Don’t forget my great giveaways!