I Would Like To Thank The Fit Foodie Mama!

I was nominated for A Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Annmarie at The Fit Foodie Mama. Thank you, Annmarie! I am flattered. I love telling folks about myself and learning about my blogger friends, too!

ar-inspiringblogger1Here are the rules:

  • Thank and link to the person who nominated you. (Check!).
  • List the rules and display the award.
  • Share seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 other blogs you enjoy, then comment on their posts to let them know that you have nominated them.

Seven facts about me… that you probably don’t know:

1. I hate subjective multiple choice questions. My answers never fall into just one category. I appreciate nuance. I get angry when I have to check a box that I don’t fit in.

2. I was so shy when I was a little girl that I refused to answer the phone. I still kind of hate the phone and am still shy on the inside. Believe it or not.

3. I love to go to movie matinees alone. In fact, I just saw Boyhood alone and in mid-day. It was excellent but VERY long! I guess that is what happens when you film for 12 years.

4. The husband and I used to live in a church that was a stop on the Underground Railroad in Brooklyn, NY. That will probably be the coolest place we ever live and the one with the most historical significance.

5. It only takes me 15 minutes in NYC to get my Jersey Girl attitude back. However, I still talk to strangers now since I have been in the Midwest so long. It creeps people out on elevators and public transit in NYC.

6. I binge read mystery novels. Sometimes I read a whole one in a day and then start a new one. It is my television substitute.

7. I give excellent advice about running, and life, but rarely follow my own counsel. But you should listen to me… Really. Seriously, start slow and finish strong. It works. (This one is probably no surprise to many of you.)

Here are my nominees:

  1. The Vegetarian Tourist
  2. Marcia’s Healthy Slice
  3. Out and About
  4. SuzLyfe
  5. Powered by Bling
  6. Running with SD Mom
  7. Fitful Focus
  8. Healthy Running Mom
  9. The Chi-Athlete
  10. Peace, Love and Oats
  11. Crossroads of the Heart
  12. Accidental Intentions
  13. Logan Can
  14. Running on Happy
  15. Too Tall Fritz

Head on over and check them out! As for my nominated bloggers, join in if you are up for it, but no hard feelings if you don’t have the time/interest at the moment. Bask in the joy of “winning”!

Hey readers, what are a few random facts about you that I should know?? Please leave them in the comments.