My friends at Abe’s Market offered me and 2 readers tickets to see the Chicago premiere of the new documentary Fed Up. Ironically, I posted this giveaway when I was attending the Snacks and Sweets show. In fairness, I was working with Simple Squares, an organic snack bar company that uses only honey in its 5 ingredient energy bars. That said, I still got my sugar on as I am apt to do. I was unable to attend the premiere but, Finds’ friend, Aimee and her husband took the tickets.
Here is Aimee’s recap which she entitled, “Fed Up skewers Sugar and Michelle Obama”:
“I thought I knew a lot about our country’s addiction to sugar, but the new documentary Fed Up raised my awareness to a whole new level. I received two passes to see a screening of the film in Chicago and took my husband who bought a giant pack of M & Ms before the movie (he thought it was funny). [In defense of Aimee’s husband, he says that he was hungry and felt that M & Ms were an appropriate movie snack. Duly noted.]
Filmmaker Stephanie Soechtig and TV journalist Katie Couric take us through the rocky road of the post 1970’s America where we have more low-fat, no-fat food options than ever before, but more than 93 million Americans are affected by obesity. As the number of children with Type 2 Diabetes – formerly known as Adult-Onset Diabetes, skyrockets – the food industry and government (which are woefully intertwined) keeps telling us that we just need, “to exercise more”; but according to the film, we can’t exercise our way out of this problem. The food industry has managed to put sugar into almost everything we eat and not even the valiant attempts of First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Lets Move” can thwart their efforts.
Just to put the power of this movie into perspective, my M & M eating husband went to the grocery store the next day and replaced his regular cookie purchases with fresh fruit and diet-soda with a natural alternative claiming, ‘I had no idea how much sugar was in those foods until I saw the movie.’”
Go to the Fed Up site to get free tips on a trying a 10 day sugar free challenge and to learn more about the movie.
Here are the Top 6 Tips for Kicking Your Sugar Habit from Fed Up:
I think #1 is the hardest – there are A LOT of ingredients that are really sugar! 56!
Are you planning to see Fed Up? (I am!) Do you feel like sugar is “the new tobacco?”