Guest Post: Feng Shui Your Home

Did you ever place a piece of furniture in your home and get a bad feeling? Have you ever considered which colors you use in which room by function? Maybe you have heard of the ancient practice of Feng ShuiUma Campbell sent me the infographic in this post on feng shui and asked me to consider a post about it. I asked her to tell us a bit more and added some color commentary of my own (pun intended).

Feng shui originated in Chinese astronomy and has been around for over 3,500 years. Initially, it was applied mostly to orient buildings, primarily religious buildings, in an “auspicious way.” In the last few decades, the popularity of feng shui has risen and spread beyond Asia into the western world. Feng shui is the belief that your human experiences are connected to your surrounding environment. According to Wikipedia, “Modern reactions to feng shui are mixed. The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience states that some principles of feng shui are “quite rational”, while noting that “folk remedies and superstitions… [have been] incorporated into feng shui’s eclectic mix.”

Many modern proponents of feng shui offer advice for health and wellness like these 6 Feng Shui Tips to Improve Your Health, Happiness and Vitality from Mind, Body, Green. There is even a “Feng Shui for Dummies” cheat sheet which is actually pretty helpful. I especially like this one: “Get rid of unwanted frustrations by fixing broken objects. Make sure your front door is in good working order. It shouldn’t scrape the floor or squeak, and the doorknob, hinges, and locks should all be secure. This cure allows you to release your frustrations and anxieties and smoothes your life path.”

feng shui FIThe most prominent use of Feng shui techniques applies to home decor and home design. Feng shui believers think that the home design and decor choices you make can affect the energy of your home which in turn impacts your quality of life. This infographic, brought to us by Soothing Walls, provides an easy to follow template for applying Feng shui to your home. Check it out below to see what Feng shui is all about.

What do you think? The real deal or a bunch of bunk?

Uma Campbell is a freelance writer from Southern California. She loves writing about home decor and home design. When she’s not writing, she enjoys practicing yoga and making her own craft jewelry.